Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 24, no. 65, p. 3, col. 2-3
Big Muncie Factories Closed for Summer Saturday -
General Labor News of Interest.
At the close of work Saturday afternoon, all the employes of Ball Bros.' factory were given a summer vacation, except those employed in the White-liner department, who will continue at work through July and August. The announcement of the management that it is desired the employes of this department to remain at work on account of a shortage of orders was received by them with regret. They had planned many enjoyable events for the vacation, which they will be compelled to cancel. One was a big picnic which was to have been held Monday in honor of the closing of the fire, at Westside park. The vacation at Ball Brothers probably will last more than two months.
At the Humphrey factory also, Saturday, work was stopped for the summer vacation. The lay-off will probably last a month or six weeks.
The workmen at the Hemingray and Boldt factories also were given a vacation Saturday for one month or six weeks.
The workmen at all the factories are glad that vacation time is at hand, as the work in the factories during the past several weeks has been attended by many hardships on account of the heat.
Many will leave the city to spend their vacation, while others will remain at home, fishing or camping near this city.
While the machinery in the factories is idle and the employes are enjoying themselves, the managements will be as busy as ever. There will be much overhauling to do and several of the factoriess will be re-equipped in many of the departments.