Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
Well-Known Glass Manufacturer,
But the Shock to His Many
Friends Was None the
Less Severe.
A telegram was received by Ralph Hemingray Friday evening announcing that Robert Hemingray, his brother, and one of the most prominent and popular business men of this city died suddenly at his home in Covington, Ky., at 4:30 o'clock.
Mr. Hemingray had been an invalid for several years and for some time it had been known that his condition was hopeless, but the news of his death comes as a great shock to his many friends in this city. The deceased was one of the proprietors of the Hemingray glass factory, in this city, and had charge of the business of the firm. He came here in company with his brothers, Ralph and Dan, when the factory was brought here from Covington and lived here up to three years ago, when he was taken sick and compelled to leave his business and return to his former home.
During his residence in this city, Mr. Hemingray made many friends on every side and was most popular with his many employees. He was one of the charter members of the Muncie lodge of Elks and was most active in the lodge work. A number of the members of the Muncie lodge will go to Covington to attend the funeral.
Mr. Hemingray leaves a wife and three children, two boys and a girl.
The members of the family here went to Covington Friday evening.