The coal tank at Hemingray's is one of the best in Indiana, the company advises others to install producers in case the gas runs out


Publication: The Muncie Morning Star

Muncie, IN, United States




The new coal burning tank at the Hemingray factory is pronounced to be one of the best glass tanks in Indiana. It is of exceptionally high grade and the men who work on the shops in this part of the factory, are loud in their praises of the furnace. According to the report of the men, the company is considering the advisability of preparing for a shortage of gas by equipping the natural gas tank with a producer gas retort, which can be used in case it is needed. The natural gas tank can be turned into a coal gas furnace by changing the checker work and it is probable this will be done if there is a perceptible decrease in the fuel supply.



Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:September 17, 2007 by: Bob Stahr;