Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
col. 2-3
Robert Hemingray Not Held Responsible
for Her Death in San Francisco.
A telegram from San Francisco says the coroner has decided that Carlotta Steffen-Campiglio, formerly of Cincinnati, committed suicide, and that Robin Hemingray, formerly of this city, is not held. This return removes all doubt as to the cause of the girl's death.
The body is now enroute to Cincinnati, where it will be met by the mother and other relatives, who will proceed direct to New York for the burial. The coffin will not be opened until New York is reached.
It was the mother's wish that the girl's friends at Cincinnati might see the face of their unfortunate friend for the last time, but her grandfather fears that Mrs. Campiglio will not be able to stand the shock, and her wishes have been overruled.