Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 25, no. 59, p. 10, col. 5
Muncie Mills and Factories
Closing Down.
Tomorrow most of the large factories and rolling mills in the city will close for the summer holidays. Ball Bros.' two plants will not resume operations for a period of two months. The Midland will close only nineteen days. The Indiana and the Grasshopper rolling mills and the Hemingray glass factory will not close until next week. Hemingray's will be idle for two months, and the Indiana rolling mill for a period of about ten days or two weeks. The American rolling mill will close for about the same length of time, the time during the shut downs in the different factories will be used in repairing the plants and getting them in readiness for next year.
The amount of money that will be paid to the workmen tomorrow is estimated at many thousands. Ball Bros., alone will pay in the neighborhood of $40,000, as they will make the annual settlement with the glass workers Saturday. The Indiana, Grasshopper, Midland and American rolling mills will have large pay rolls. The past year for all of these concerns was very successful. Ball Brs.' two plants and the Hemingray factory has worked continuously with the exception of a few days when it was necessary to close the factories on account of break downs or repairs.
The three rolling mills, although pushed to their capacity, did not work as well us the other plants on account of the scarcity of the fuel supply. The managers, however, of the three mills express themselves as well pleased with the year's results.
The workmen will be free to do what they please during the vacation, and many of them are preparing to spend their vacation in a novel manner. Several camping and fishing clubs have been formed among the employes of the Midland and Indiana mills and they will leave early next week for the northern lakes. One or two parties from Ball Bros., will also go to the lakes in the northern part of the state. A large number of the glass workers who originally came from the east will go to their old homes to spend the vacations with relatives.