Hemingray's Eluded Wedding Guests (Car Chase)


Publication: The Muncie Morning Star

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 30, no. 157, p. 3, col. 1



Muncie Manufacturer and Terre

Haute Bride Executed a

Clever Scheme.


Ceremony Was Read in Pres­ence

of a Few Close Friends.


Mesdames Edwards and Nauman,

hostesses at euchre.

Mrs. Gass and daughter entertain

at euchre.

Open meeting L. A. S. First

Presbyterian church.

Christian Endeavor social, First

Chris­tian church.

Mrs. Gebhard entertains Helpers of

First Christian church.

W C. T. U. Superintendent's meeting.

Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 2. — Miss Eva Hollinger today became the bride of Mr. Ralph G. Hemingray, of Muncie. The bride of the daughter of Mrs. Mar­tin Hollinger and the ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. John Crapo, in the pres­ence of about fifty relatives and friends.

The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with palms. American Beauty roses and smilax. The Rev. J. D. Stanley, of Indianapolis officiated. The ring ceremony was used.

Immediately after the last course of the elaborate banquet the bride and groom eluded their friends in a unique manner. When the course was served at breakfast the butler, by previous arrangement with the bride, asked her to answer a long distance call from Muncie, explaining to the guests that Mr. Hemingray might be needed to re­ply to some congratulatory friends, they calmly walked from the dining room upstairs, down a private back stairway, thence through the kitchen to a waiting cab and to the station.

The guests, who were listening to a funny story from Mrs. Alice Fisher, aunt of the bride, missed the bridal couple after a while and Adolph Gagg, Sam Royse and several friends fol­lowed in automobiles.

Mr. Hemingray is president of the Hemingray Glass company at Muncie. Miss Hollinger is the only daughter of the late Martin Hollinger, one of the city’s most prominent attorneys. She was a member of the faculty of the Muncie high school for several terms. The guests from out-of-town were: Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Shinkle, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cross, Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher Cross, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clifford Shinkle, Mr. Daniel Hemingray, of Covington. Ky.; Dr. A. K. Smith, of Springfield, O.; Mr. Herbert John­son, Paul Richey and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Warrington, Mr. and Mrs. Phil McAbee and Miss Lewellyn Hemingray, of Muncie, and Mrs. Johnson Crawford Bartlett, of Philadelphia.

Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information:Articles: 2592, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:June 4, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;