Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 10, col. 1-2
Daniel Skelly Run Over by
Automobile Driven by Ralph
Child Apparently Was Recovering
in Local Hospital.
Succumbing to injuries received nearly two weeks ago when he was run over by an automobile owned and driven by Ralph Hemingray, the glass manufacturer, little Daniel Skelly, 15 years old, son of Mrs. Catherine Skelly, a tailoress living at 825 East Jackson street, died unexpectedly at 6:20 o'clock last night at the Mix hospital where he was taken immediately after the affair.
As the lad had apparently been recovering and growing stronger until yesterday at noon, his death last night was a shock to the attending physician, members of the family and friends. Shortly after the noon hour yesterday the lad underwent a sudden change for the worse and seemed completely to collapse. Before the physicians could find out what had caused the sudden change the boy had lapsed into a dying condition and his mother and little sisters and brother were summoned to his bedside. At 6 o'clock all hope of recovery was given up and the lad continued to grow weaker until the end came.
Cannot Explain Collapse.
What caused the lad's sudden demise Dr. Mix is unable at present to state. Although the boy's injuries were recognized at first to be of a very serious and possibly fatal nature, it was thought there were good chances of recovery when he seemed to rally and grow stronger day by day. The boy's most serious hurt was a fracture to the lower portion of the skull, but this did not seem to affect the brain, as the boy was conscious and in good mental condition until yesterday afternoon. The lad's head, however, was cut in several places and the scalp was worn smooth in spots as the result of the head's being ground upon the hard macadam street by the wheel of the automobile. No bones were broken about the body and the lad was not internally injured, as the attending physician said the boy's organs were acting in their normal condition even as late as yesterday.
The accident, which is believed to have been unavoidable, occurred about 8 o'clock on the evening of July 28, at the corner of Main and Madison streets.
Boys Were on Bicycles.
Mr. Hemingray with Mrs. Hemingray and a young nephew were driving west on Main street toward Madison street, where they intended turning south on the way to the home of Mrs. Hemingray's dressmaker. The little Skelly boy with Wiley Spurgeon and James Scott, the other boys were coming from the west on Main with their bicycles.
When Mr. Hemingray reached Madison street he steered his car over to the west side of the street in order to be on the right side of the road going south down Madison street. The Skelly boy was riding on the south side of Main street and the three boys are said to have been talking to one another at the time.
When the Skelly boy saw the automobile turning across the street he turned his bicycle south on Madison street in the same direction as that in which the auto was going. The wheel wither struck the machine or the curb, for the lad fell off and he was caught beneath the machine. Mr. Hemingray, who was running his car slowly, he says, stopped it so quickly that one of the front wheels rested on the lad's head. it was necessary to push the car off the boy's body. The lad did not lose consciousness and made an effort to get up himself, telling those about him that he was not hurt.
Thought He Would Recover.
It was thought the lad was fatally injured and he was hurried to the Mix hospital by Mr. Hemingray in his automobile. When his injuries were dressed the boy seemed to grow stronger, and when a week had passed without any complications setting in, the attending physician was of the opinion that the lad would soon recover. The boy himself made a game fight against death, and when his relatives and friends called at the hospital to see him he would tell them that he was not badly hurt and that he would soon be out of the hospital. It was thought the boy's predictions would come true until yesterday afternoon.
It was a sad night at the hospital last night where the mother, three little sisters and one small brother stood mourning the loss of the son and brother. The mother was almost prostrated with grief. The Skelly boy would have been 16 years old August 18. He was considered an unusually bright and intelligent lad and he was liked by all who knew him. He had been working during the summer at the drug store of Arthur Heim on East Main street, and on the night of the accident he was returning from the city, where he had been sent by Mr. Heim to purchase postage stamps.
Mr. and Mrs. Hemingray were deeply grieved when they learned of the lad's death last night. Mr. Hemingray had done everything possible for him, having employed a special nurse to care for the boy. Each day Mr. Hemingray either came in person to the hospital or called by telephone to learn of the boy's condition. He was as the hospital yesterday afternoon when the lad took the sudden turn for the worse and was deeply affected.
The lad's body was removed to the home of the mother last night. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. He is survived by the mother, three small sisters and one small brother.