Publication: The Lexington Herald
Lexington, KY, United States
vol. 41, no. 11, p. 6, col. 4
Rev. Drs. Porter, Gwynn and
Stackhouse Conduct the
Proper Tribute to Be Paid
Eminent Divine In
Special Service
The funeral services of Rev. W. H. Felix, who died Saturday in Clearwater, Fla., were held yesterday afternoon from the First Baptist church at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Porter officiating assisted by Rev. D. W. Gwynn and Rev. T. C. Stackhouse.
Dr. Felix, whose home was near David's Fork Church, was in Florida for the winter, and died while on a bird hunt Saturday, the end coming unexpectedly. The body was brought to Lexington early Tuesday morning, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Anna Brad Felix, and taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mattie Bain, at 253 Rodes avenue. Mr. O. R. Williamson, who married a niece of Dr. Felix, met the body in Somerset and assisted with preparations for the funeral after its arrival here.
The church was crowded with friends and parishioners of the venerable minister, and the assistants in the services, Revs. Gwynn and Stackhouse are present and former pastors of the David's Fork Baptist church, Rev. Felix's last charge. There was no eulogy of the deceased at the funeral, the services consisting of songs and prayer. The internment was in the family lot in the Lexington cemetery.
Arrangements have been made fro a memorial service in honor of Rev. Dr. Felix, to be held at the First Baptist church Sunday evening beginning at 7:30 o'clock. At this service, which will take the place of the regular Sunday evening service, there will be several speakers, including Rev. J. W. Porter of the First Baptist church, Rev. T. C. Stackhouse, Rev. D. W. Gwynn of the David's Fork Baptist church, Rev. W. B. Brock of the Fifth Street Baptist church, and others who have not yet been selected. A special program of music will be rendered by the choir and others.