Publication: The Lexington Herald
Lexington, KY, United States
vol. 41, no. 15, p. 1, col. 6
Friends of Lifetime and
Fellow Workers in Church
Pay Feeling Tribute
to Useful Man
Ministers of City and Hon.
W. P. Kimball Make
Short Addresses
In honor of Dr. W. H. Felix, former pastor of the First Baptist church, who died in Clearwater Fla., last week a memorial meeting was held last night at the First Baptist in which all of the Baptist churches of the city joined. The large auditorium of the church was filled to overflowing by a throng of Christian men and women who gathered to pay a last fitting tribute to the memory of the beloved minister.
The service began promptly at 7:30 o'clock and a number of well known Lexington ministers affiliated with the Baptist church, and Hon. W. P. Kimball made touching addresses, all of which were brief. The meeting was opened with a song, in which the entire congregation joined.
Rev. T. C. Ecton delivered the first address, taking as his theme, "Dr. Felix as a Preacher." Mr. Ecton spoke in the highest terms of the deceased pastor and paid a glowing tribute to his remarkable power in wielding the "Sword of the Lord."
Hon. W. P. Kimball was the next speaker on the program. He delivered an impressive address on the subject "Dr. Felix as Pastor of the First Baptist Church." Mr. Kimball knew Dr. Felix as a pastor and was enabled to speak on the subject from close personal association. He spoke of his love for his congregation and of his great work in the uplifting of the community.
Rev. E. J. Caswell delivered an address of his "Impressions of the Baptist Life of Lexington."
Rev. Arthur Westneat spoke on the subject of "His Alma Mater." Dr. Felix was educated in Georgetown College, and Mr. Westneat called attention to many little incidents in the consecrated man's life which were interesting and which showed how generally he was held in esteem by his fellow collegians.
Rev. W. D. Case spoke of "Dr. Felix and His Family."
Rev. Otis Hughson delivered a short talk on "Dr. Felix and the Fifth Street Baptist Church." The Fifth Street Baptist church was a mission of the First Street Baptist church when Dr. Felix was pastor of the latter, and prospered wonderfully under his personal watchfulness. Rev. Mr. Hughson was for years pastor of the Fifth street church.
Rev. Walter Brock was on the program for a speech, but declined to address the congregation, announcing his preference to hear Dr. J. W. Porter, pastor of the First Baptist church. Dr. Porter declined to make an address on account of the lateness of the hour, and the services were closed by prayer by Dr. Porter.
A quartet from Fifth street Baptist church rendered impressive music during the service. Miss Elizabeth Rash sang a solo.
The entire service was considered one of the most beautiful and consecrated of its character that has ever been held in Lexington.
The addresses were fine, no attempt being made to prepare them formally beforehand so that the memorial had that rare grace of proceeding spontaneously, so to speak, for the hearts the service has a remarkable testimony to the influence of a great and consecrated life.
Resolutions By David's Fork.
Resolutions of David's Fork on the death of Dr. Felix, who was a member and former pastor of the church, were passed as follows:
"In the removal from our midst in earthly form forever of our loved one, friend and brother, Rev. W. H. Felix, D. D., a deep sorrow has come to all our hearts and a shadow to the entire community. We feel as if a necessary light had been suddenly extinguished. So long had he been with us and so loving and fostering had been his care for us that we feel like children bereft. We believe it was done in wisdom, and is for the best; nevertheless, we feel the pain and privation resulting to us from the loss of so devoted a friend. So wise and sympathetic a counsellor; so consecrated and valiant a Christian soldier; so . . . [illegible text] . . . loyal and admirable a citizen and hereby join as one on the following expressions:
"Resolved — First, That we try to bear our loss with becoming Christian fortitude and resignation; the we question not God's right and decree but will trust Him, even in severity.
"Second, That we extend to the bereaved wife and children our deepest and tenderest sympathy in their irreparable loss.
"Third, That those resolutions shall be spread at large on our church book; also that a copy be sent to the family and that we request their publication in the local papers, and the Western Recorder and Baptist World.