Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 41, no. 128, p. 1,5, col. 2,1-2
Thousands March in Monster
Labor Day Pageant,
Depicting City's War Work.
That the great army of labor working at home ranks with the army abroad, was proven conclusively yesterday when in a gigantic Labor Day parade Muncie's entire citizenship turned out to take part in the greatest pageant every [sic] ever staged in this part of the state — for the sole purpose of demonstrating to the community just how every industry, every business and every organization in the county are united in their big work of war winning.
As early as 9 o' clock all up-town streets were filled with thousands of spectators, but it was adjudged that the crowd was divided on a strictly fifty-fifty basis, for there were apparently as many paraders as there were spectators. Never before in the history of Muncie have the people responded so completely to the call of patriotism as they did yesterday when they came forth in such numbers — all commanded by a single obligation.
Spurred by Colors.
The city was in festive attire for the big event and from every business house, from every residence floated Old Glory, whose significance spurred the marchers to a high point of enthusiasm. The underlying thought of the entire demonstration was Our Boys Over There and for these boys, Delaware County showed to the world what it is doing.
The parade was an hour and a half in passing and was led by the Muncie police, headed by Captain Fox. The first float was that designed by the Muncie Public Library board and served as a silent appeal for more books and magazines for the boys over there. The huge float was covered with greenery and carried an army and a navy officer and seated around a table of books and magazines were Muncie's librarians. Because of the demand made by the cantonment workers that soldiers and sailors be supplied constantly with books and magazines, the display appeal was given a place of prominence in the line of march.
Depict War Activities.
Showing some of the essentials employed in modern warfare, Hemingray's Glass Mfg. Company demonstrated the use of glass insulators. A huge truck was arranged as a headquarters detachment and rising from among the tents and Red Cross huts, were telephone poles wired for actual use, and displaying the insulators. Army and navy officials were shown in communication, and extending down from the truck, the wiring continued to the very last of the long line of glass workers. At intervals were big posters naming cities, which were connected by wire, the last of the long line being "and on to Berlin."
Ball Bros. Glass Mfg. Company came in next and displayed how essential to the goal of winning the war is the business of canning foods. The first float carried a huge box, a replica of the small kind seen for sale everywhere, and containing Mason fruit jars. Out of the big box stood liberty. The second float displayed a huge fruit jar, holding the kaiser. A long line of fruit jars, corrugated boxes and zinc used in the manufacture of essentials, were demonstrated. One of the displays that was the subject of a great deal of favorable comment was that of a camouflaged tank, two thirds the actual size of British tanks, which was displayed by the T. W. Warner Company. This company also demonstrated the the sub-chasers, which was equipped with a depth-bomb and wireless apparatus. The T. W. Warner marchers were led by Joan of Arc. The Ontario Silver Company displayed the silver it is engaged in making for our boys over there, and the Moore Mfg. Company displayed the kind of beds this concern is now making for Uncle Sam's big army. The Durham Mfg. Company displayed the fireless cookers which are now being used in all the hospitals and in many of the big camps over there.
Many Attractive Floats.
Heading the Warner Gear delegation was the Warner Gear band of thirty pieces and leading the marchers was the Goddess of Liberty in a snow white chariot. Office girls in one of the most attractively decorated floats in the entire parade, and girls in the regulation overalls, who were showered with flowers, demonstrated that the women at home are glad to work for the boys who have gone over there. The big sub-chaser was a real curiosity and was valuable from an educational standpoint. This company also displayed a float of groceries that was considered especially good, and served to explain the co-operative grocery system that the company provides for its employes; they also displayed a life insurance float which told its story of how every employe is protected by an insurance, one of the essentials in modern living. The production wagon carried the gears and parts considered essential by the U. S. Government.
"Kaiser" Wore Real Helmet.
Heading the line of Warner Gear Company marchers was Uncle Sam leading the German kaiser by a huge chain. The kaiser, who was no other than Earl Doyle, wore a German helmet picked up on the battlefield by Ray Johnson, and his coat was one taken off a dead German by Lieut. Evans. The gun he carried was a real German weapon. Ed Sammons was Uncle Sam who had the kaiser safely by the neck.
There was endless interesting displays, including a barbed wire entanglement by the Indiana Steel and Wire Company, and many others showing just what line of work all local industries are now engaged in in their business of helping to win the war.
Fort Harrison Company Here.
A company of 125 engineers from Fort Benjamin Harrison added a real military aspect to the parade. As this company of old service men, soon to leave for overseas duty, passed, they were cheered again and again.
Delaware County's War Mothers formed an interesting unit as did the Red Cross workers. A big flag was carried for the War Mothers and generous donations were thrown into the flag for the local War Mothers to carry on their splendid work here. The amount collected will be announced on a later date.
Defiance to the German kaiser was stamped on every countenance and was blazoned from the house tops, for not a house but demonstrated in some manner the patriotic sentiment that house uncovered. It was a big day for Muncie, and was estimated that the parade attracted more people from all over the county than had ever before assembled in Muncie.