Publication: The Terre Haute Tribune
Terre Haute, IN, United States
Husband of Former Miss Eva Hollinger
Dies While At Cincinnati
Music Festival.
Friends and relatives in Terre Haute were notified last night of the sudden death of Ralph Gray Hemingray, president of the Hemingray Glass Works of Muncie. Mr. Hemingray with his wife left Muncie last Saturday to attend the May festival in Cincinnati, O., and to be the guests of Mr. Hemingray's sister, Mrs. Shinkle, of Covington, Ky. He was taken suddenly ill at her home, and Mrs. Martin Hollinger, mother of Mrs. Hemingray, was called to Covington yesterday. Mr. Hemingray was dead when she arrived, having passed away at 5:15 o'clock, while her train arrived at nine.
The Hemingrays had recently returned from Florida and the trip with the work of removal of the business offices of the factory from Cincinnati to Muncie with added improvements are thought to have been too much upon Mr. Hemingray, who has been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time.
Ralph Hemingray was wed to Miss Eva Hollinger of South Fifth street, in 1907. He was a man well liked both in his home city and where he was known and his death comes as a shock to his relatives and friends here. There will be funeral services held at the home of his sister at four o'clock Thursday, after which the body will be taken to Muncie for burial.