Publication: The Indianapolis Star
Indianapolis, IN, United States
p. 5
Muncie Official Reviews Terms
Made With Mayor Before
Accepting Job.
[Special to The Indianapolis Star.]
MUNCIE, Ind., July 16. - Philip W. McAbee, Muncie manufacturer, who yesterday refused to tender his resignation as a member of the board of public safety on demand made by Mayor Quick, will demand a public hearing on the charge on which the mayor is to file against him alleging that he has been active in politics since he became a member of the city administration. A statement to this effect was made public by Mr. McAbee tonight.
The resignation of McAbee was demanded after he had called a special meeting of the safety board for the purpose of investigating reports concerning the conduct of Captain of Police Moles and other members of the department. The mayor interrupted the first witness, a newspaper man, who was not permitted to relate an experience he had with the night captain one night several weeks ago when, according to reports, the official failed to perform his duty as a police officer.
The break in administrative circles has created no little excitement, especially among the more conservative, and developments of a more sensational nature may well be expected within the near future, according to information which leaked from administration channels today.
In a statement issued today at the request of the newspaper man who was a witness before the board, Mr. McAbee reviewed the terms on which he accepted a place on the board of safety at the solicitation of Mayor Quick a short time after his election to office.
Makes Statement.
"One of the most important terms, all of which were agreed to by Mayor Quick, was that, should my services be unsatisfactory to the mayor, I was to be so informed and if I thought he had just grounds on which to ask for my resignation, I would vacate my seat. However, should there be misapprehension and a demand be made for my resignation, it was agreed to by Mayor Quick that I was to let the fact be known to all residents of Muncie and have them published in all interested newspapers in the state of Indiana."
"One of my terms of acceptance was to the effect that I was being appointed a member of the board of safety for the purpose of cleaning up Muncie and that politics was not to enter into the work of the board. Also that I was to be president of the board and the board would function as a board of safety should function. There was to be no interference from the mayor or any one else."
"The demand for my resignation came as a thunderbolt from a clear sky to me and I'll venture to say that I will not tumble one inch. I will demand a public hearing."
The affidavit against Mr. McAbee had not been prepared by the city attorney today and on one, excepting the mayor, seems to know when the charge will be filed.