Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Senator Voorhees Sending Circulars to
Muncie Manufacturers - Some of
Them Answered.
Recently the United States Senators have been issuing a circular letter to several manufacturers and business men throughout the United States propounding to them about thirty questions. In the circular the questions of wages, the price paid for skilled and unskilled labor, and an opinion of the Wilson tariff bill is asked for. The first of these circulars received here was addressed to the Darnall Iron Company. Mr. A. L. Johnson, receiver, accepted the letter and in reply stated:
As a result of the Wilson tariff bill the Darnall Iron Company is in the hands of a receiver. A. L. JOHNSON, Receiver.
Another letter was received by James Boyce, the well known retired manufacturer. He did not address his answer to the Indiana Senator but sent it to John Sherman instead. Mr. Boyce said:
To Hon. John Sherman, Washington, D. C. - Dear Sir: I have taken this liberty, fearing that if I sent this to our "fall Sycamore" it might never see the light of the appropriate place. The answer necessary to the enclosed letter is to answer the prayers of the idle millions, giving them a chance to earn their bread as was intended by the Creator. The lesson has been hard, but let us hope profitable to the coming generation. We have had enough. Let him (Wilson) pigeon hole his tariff bill. He and his followers should go home and sin no more, and all will be well. Let the millenniums come about by the elevation of our race in the old world, rather than by the subjugation of this country and her prosperous and happy people. Respectfully, JAMES BOYCE.
The Hemingray Glass Company received one of the circulars yesterday but have not yet answered it. They could say: "Since the Wilson bill was sprung upon us we are employing but about one-half our usual number of employees."