Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Memory of Dead Brethren Honored
by Muncie Lodge of Elks.
The annual lodge of sorrow of the Muncie Lodge No. 245, B. P. O. E. in the Wysor Grand Sunday afternoon was the same beautiful event as formerly, and was attended by a large audience. The service was made doubly impressive by the beautifully and appropriately decorated stage. In the center of the stage, to the front was a massive evergreen design of the lodge emblem, B. P. O. E. Chrysanthemums and palms in profusion adorned the stage. A monument of pure white stood in the center. On the left sat the chairman and the speakers. In reserved seats in the parquet sat the members of the lodge.
The services were commenced at 2:30 o'clock by an orchestra overture. After the opening of the lodge by Exalted Ruler, John C. Gray, the roll of the dead was called by the Secretary, Will Holmes. As each name was called it was flashed in illuminated letters upon the monument. The members of the lodge sang "Auld Lang Syne," after which invocation was asked by Rev. W. H. Oxtoby. The quartette, composed of Messrs. Neely, Wachtell, Shick, and Potter, sang, "Shall I Be Forgotten." Miss Mayme Kennedy recited "Tobe's Monument" and Mr. Bert Shick sang "Hearts and Flowers."
The memorial address was delivered by Mr. Burt Lyons of Joplin, Mo. The address was strikingly appropriate and touched the innermost recesses of the hearts of the listening brethren.
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