Publication: The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. LVIII, no. 340, p. 6, col. 8
At Springfield of Miss Thomas
and Mr. Matthews.
Special Dispatch to the Enquirer.
Springfield, Ohio. December 5. - Louis Matthews, of Covington, Ky., and Miss Mabel Thomas, daughter of the late Hon. John H. Thomas, millionaire manufacturer, were united in marriage at 5:30 o'clock this evening at the home of her brother, Hon. W. S. Thomas, on East High street. Only relatives and a few of the intimate friends of the bride were present. Rev. John Clark Hill, the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiated.
The only attendants of the couple were Miss Lucretia T. Little, daughter of W. S. Thomas, as flower girl, and John Henry, the little son of W. S. Thomas, and Thomas B. Summers, as ushers. The wedding march was played by Miss Bessie Foreman.
The bride was gowned in point applique over white satin. She wore orange blossoms and ornaments of pearls. The seats at the bride's table were occupied by the following: The bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Buchwalter, Miss Hemingray, Muncie, Ind.; Elmore Ross and Ned Crain.
Miss Thomas is one of Springfield's brightest and most cultured young ladies, who possesses a wide circle of friends. She is a graduate of Ogantz School. Following the usual nuptial dinner the couple left for the East on their wedding journey. On their return they will go to Cincinnati to live at the Alms Hotel until spring, when they will remove to Springfield.
Mr. Matthews is now located in Cincinnati and is Superintendent of the C & O Coal Company.