Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Representing Most of the Leading Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Lawyers, Doctors and Contractors.
A Carefully Prepared and Classified List of Those Who Have Made Muncie a Substantial City.
We present to the readers of The TIMES to-day a carefully classified index of the principal corporations, manufacturing, wholesale, professional and contracting interests of this cit, making the finest array of leaders in different departments of trade and the professions that has ever been published by any paper here and one that is will be well to study. It contains the names of enterprising and leading citizens who have earned and are in the full enjoyment of good and honorable reputations in the sphere of commerce, manufacture and the professions. They represent the elements that have in a great measure, given to Muncie a reputation second to none for her manufactories, business and professional men of talent and culture.
Many of these attorneys are among the best known in the state while the physicians represented are all members of The Delaware County Medical Society in good standing. The principal manufacturing interests of the city are the six Glass factories, three Iron and Steel mills, Plumbers supply factory, Malleable Castings Co., Bridge Co., Bending works, two extensive Paper and Pulp mills, an Architectural Iron works and many smaller mills, foundries and factories most of which are located here on account of the wonderful advantages derived from natural gas which appears to be inexhaustible.
Muncie is to-day one of the most substantial and thriving cities in the state.
The business men have given her their thrift, have taken her name abroad as an important manufacturing and jobbing point, and the home of solid business men and a residence city that cannot be excelled. They have furnished work for her laborers, freight traffic for a grand system of railroads, and used their efforts to promote every public enterprise. They have been the strong towers of Muncie, and they are to-day her pride and her hope. Muncie has done much for them, and in return they created he great prosperity which abides within her limits, which is heard in the hum of her shops, foundries, factories and mills, and is seen everywhere throughout the city.
The success achieved by the manufacturing, the mercantile, the professional, the contracting men and others engaged in business here has been accomplished by dint of tireless energy and persistent labor.
Muncie is what she is by the indefatigable exertions of her citizens, ably seconded by the efforts of those who have come here and invested in her enterprises and recognized her a substancial [sic] substantial city. Her commercial prosperity, her industrial development, her substantial wealth and municipal beauty and picturesqueness as embodied in school and churches; her princely mansions; her fine mercantile buildings, her splendid system of water works, electric city railway, fine telephone service, streets that are the peer of anything of the kind in this county, natural gas and electric lighting plants that are modern, unexcelled fire and police departments, a progressive city government, and her unsurpassed system of public improvements all indicate her status as a prosperous community, taking no step backward, but steadily forging to the front.
Note: Corresponding AD