Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
The Bottle Blowers Convene in Annual Session.
President Hayes Presides at the Meeting and Some Routine Business is Transacted.
From the four corners of the continent are gathered in the convention city of Indiana, the members of the Green Bottle Blowers’ association of the United States and Canada. Every train that arrives bears the men of two flags upon it. The city is gaily decorated in the colors of the association and with flags bearing significant inscriptions. All day yesterday throngs of men, members of the association, crowded the corridors of the Hotel Kirby, relating experiences and renewing old acquaintances. Dennis Hayes, the genial president arrived Saturday night and from the time of his arrival was the centre of a crowd of his associates. Mr. Hayes is a man who combines rare executive ability with tact and discretion. He is a labor leader in the full sense of the word since he is one whom his followers may imitate and be sure that they are not being led astray. He is respected quite as much by the manufacturers as by the members of the association of which he is the highest officer. Secretary Launer is one of the busiest men about the hotel as it has required much burning of the midnight oil for him to prepare the many documents of the organization in such manner that they will be in condition to put before the convention. Vice-President William Doughty is a member of the state board of arbitration of New Jersey and is one of the principal figures in the organized labor circles of his state. Conrad Auth, of Pittsburg, treasurer of the association, has been offered many political honors in the city of his residence but usually has declined. He is one of Pittsburg’s most prominent citizens. The executive board is composed as follows: William Doughty, Millville, New Jersey; George E. Brooms, of Newark, Ohio; Patrick A Farrell, of St. Louis; Gottlieb Flohr, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Edgar Agard, of Streator, Ill.; George W. Branin, of Millville, N.J., and John Roesler, of Muncie.
The following persons, members of Branch 12 of Muncie constitute the reception committee: Joseph Cahill, C.H. Beasley, George Brooker, Fred Beilman, George Fredricks, Herman Gunlock, William Getz, William Earley, Ross Jenkins, Charles Luckner, Homer Mitchall and John Thornton.
One of the pominent [sic] prominent members is Lewis Arrington, for fourteen years the president of the association and now factory inspector for the state of Illinois. The membership is filled with men who have received high honors from their fellow men. The body is an intelligent one and those who constitute its membership would do great credit to any legislative organization in the land.
The convention met this morning with President Dennis Hayes in the chair. After a little routine business had been transacted, the committee on credentials was appointed consisting of William R. Hughes, H.Q. Mos, Edward Martin, Harry Crist, Harry McDonald, J. E. Daily and Alexander McBride. A committee on law, with seven members, Lewis Arrington, of Alton, Illinois, being chairman, was next appointed. After attending to some unimportant matters the convention adjourned pending a report from the committees appointed. The permanent organization will consist of the officers already elected. Soon after two o’clock the members met at Union hall and proceeded to the court house where Mayor George Cromer delivered an address of welcome on behalf of the citizens. The mayor’s effort was an excellent one, felicitous in tone and happy in expression. President Hayes replied to the mayor in one of his characteristic speeches. He expressed his appreciation of the courtesies extended the members of the Green Bottle Blowers’ association and said there were indeed few cities that equaled Muncie in enterprise and hospitality. After the speech making at the court house, the glass men boarded the string of street cars that were in waiting and took a trolley ride over the city.
Nothing but complimentary remarks and favorable comment upon the city and her inhabitants were able to be heard. Everywhere the visitors expressed themselves to be pleased far better than they had anticipated with Muncie and her residents. The clean streets and the excellent buildings, together with her mammoth industries, caused them to feel that they were in a city many times larger than it really is. To-morrow the real business of the convention will begin in earnest. The disposition of the delegates is to hurry business as fast as possible and not cause a long drawn out session if it can be avoided. The coming election of officers is causing almost no comment. It seems to be conceded that Mr. Hayes will be reelected without opposition and the other offices will not excite a contest.
Tom-morrow evening there will be a labor mass meeting in the court house yard. Thr [sic] The meeting will be for, of and by all citizens who can attend and as everybody is invited a large gathering is expected. A stand will be erected on the north side of the building from which several of the leading labor leaders of the country will speak. The committees on arrangements desire it understood that a special invitation is extended to the ladies. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, is to be one of the chief speakers. D.A Hayes, the popular president of the Green Bottle Blowers’ Association and D.A. Rachford of the United Mine Workers are down on the program. The meeting is to be one of the most important labor gatherings held in this city for many months.