Publication: The Kentucky State Journal
Newport, KY, United States
vol. 16, no. 85, p. 5, col. 3
The Waters Receding.
There was great rejoicing in this city yesterday when it was found that the river had come to a stand-still, and the muddy waters commenced to recede, especially among those in the inundated listrict, who were either forced to move to other portions of the city or the second stories of their dwellings. As soon as the water left those houses where the first floors were covered to the depth of about one inch, the inhabitants were busily engaged in scrubbing and cleaning up, and making preparations for drying out, so they could move back as soon as possible.
A number of fences, cellar doors, steps, &c., were lifted from their foundations, but the residents took the precaution to secure the same by means of ropes, and will replace them as soon as the water have sufficiently abated.
The city relieve boats, under the command of the police force, continues to supply those in the flooded district with coal, water, meat, potatoes, coffee, and other provisions, and thus prevent any suffering or distress whatever.
The ferry boats resumed, making regular trips this morning, but only for the convenience of passengers, as they will be unable to land vehicles for a day or two.
A young man named Bolly Harris hac a narrow escape from drowning yesterday morning. He fell out of a skiff on Isabella street, one of the deepest places in the inundated district, and had gone down a second time, when Ben Graham and Wm. Hardin happened along in a big boat, and after much trouble and exertion, succeeded to rescuing him from a watery grave.
A number of families who are quarted in the Court-house will be able to return to their homes shortly.