Publication: The Trenton Evening Times
Trenton, NJ, United States
vol. 15, no. 5513, p. 15, col. 7
Brian's Pottery Opens
The Brian Pottery Company had their opening this afternoon. A large number of guests were received in the spacious offices and afterward shown through the various departments. Refreshments were served, and an orchestra discoursed sweet music. This company, which was recently incorporated, have remodeled and improved their plant and have built a large addition for the production of electrical porcelain supplies. They also make a specialty of brewers' sinks, bath tubs and basins. They have put in all the latest improved machinery and are now thoroughly equipped for work. About 100 men are employed, and more will be taken on as the season advances. The officers of the company are James R. Brian, president; Robert Brian, vice-president and general manager; James J. Cahill, secretary; George Brian, treasurer. Mr. Robert Brian was for many years connected with the Enterprise Pottery Company.