George Brunt kills his colored hostler.


Publication: The Trenton Evening Times

Trenton, NJ, United States



Details of the Homicide at

East Liverpool, Ohio.


In The Times of Tuesday a special dispatch from East Liverpool, O., told of the killing of Dudley Lee, a colored butler, by his employer, George Brunt, president and general manager of the Brunt Porcelain Company. The Crisis of that city, gives the details of the affair. The shooting was done in Brunt's own home, where the colored man had followed him, after a quarrel in the lot in the rear of the house. Brunt had even gone inside, it is claimed, to call the police to take charge of the man, and, descending the stairs after going to the 'phone, met the colored man in the kitchen. The man had frightened Mrs. Brunt; she was screaming. What took place at that instant, when they met in the kitchen, has not yet been clearly told. But a minute after Brunt shot down his man.

Brunt lives in a pleasant home at 195 Fifth street. The colored hostler, Lee, was aged about 20. He was an athletic fellow, weighing about 185 pounds. Lee's home had been in Cadiz, but six weeks ago he came to East Liverpool to work for Brunt, as hostler. He was a decent, civil fellow, apparently, and did not bear the reputation of being a hard drinker. His father is an African Methodist preacher, and formerly had a charge in Cadiz, but is now preaching in Allegheny city.

Brunt had discharged Lee from his employ last Saturday. Monday evening, it seems, Lee appeared at the stable on the rear of Brunt's lot. Brunt is said to have ordered Lee away. This was at a few minutes of 6 o'clock. The two men had more words and finally came to blows. Neighbors saw them scuffling in the lot, at the stable door. Mrs. Byron H. Ridby, who was standing at the door of the rear of her house, on the lot just east of Brunt's saw them. Her husband and his brother, Frank Rigby, who were working in the Rigby lot, also saw the two men at blows. The two Rigby brothers leaped over into Brunt's yard, and parted the two, then Brunt started up through the lot to his house. He entered the house, and, it seems, went upstairs and called the patrol wagon by telephone, to take the fellow away.

Meantime Lee started through the lot after Brunt. The colored man entered the rear door scarcely a couple of minutes after Brunt had gone indoors. In a minute Mrs. Brunt ran out of the door to the rear porch, screaming. Brunt descended the stairs and the two men met in the kitchen. From the porch Mrs. Brunt could see them through the window. Then Brunt fired.

It was all over in a minute. Lee lay dying on the kitchen floor, a bullet in his abdomen. Brunt stood near the body when the neighbors came in. Mrs. Brunt was assisted, half-fainting, to a neighbor's house from the front porch, whither she had run, screaming hysterically. Then the patrol wagon, which Brunt had himself summoned, rolled up, and Officers Terrance and Bryan entered the house. Drs. W. A. Hobbs and J. A. Laughlin arrived about the same time, but found the man breathing his last. President Brunt was released on $1,000 bail.


Keywords:G. F. Brunt Porcelain Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:June 23, 2005 by: Elton Gish;