[Trade Journal]
Publication: Annual report of the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to the Governor for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1875
Saint Paul, MN, United States
p. 74, col. 1
To the President of the University:
SIR: — Owing to the delays of contractors, the University was without a chemical laboratory during the whole of the year 1874-5. It was not until October 1st ultimo, that the new laboratory was so far finished as to permit analytical work by students, and much still remains to be done to put it in complete order. Of necessity, no analytical work proper could be carried on for the geological survey while there was no laboratory. I expect soon to be able to recommence analyses. 1 hope to render this department of the survey more fruitful in future than it has been under the adverse circumstances of the past two years. The resources of the laboratory are adequate to all operations likely to offer.
Respectfully, &c.,
State Chemist.
P. S. The great need of a cabinet of specimens to illustrate the course of lectures that I give each year in applied chemistry has led me to commence the collection of such a cabinet. The following donations have been made up to date:
Eleven large and fine specimens of coal, from the Kanawha Valley, W. Ya., the gift of J. D. Budd, Esq., of Richmond, Va.
One specimen limonite, from same.
Two specimens foundry iron, from same.
Two specimens mill iron, from same.
A set of eight specimens of ores and slags, illustrating the operation of a blast furnace, from the Bellfont Nail Co.'s works, Ironton, Ohio.
A list of twelve specimens of raw and manufactured material, representing the manufacture of flint glass, from the Hemingray Glass Co., Covington, Ky.
Three very fine specimens of rolling-mill slags, from the Covington rolling-mill, Covington, Ky.
Specimens of French and English plate glass, from Messrs. Beck & Rank, St. Paul.
A set of more than twenty specimens, from the Star Glass Co., of New Albany, Intl., illustrating all of the materials and processes used there for the manufacture ol American plate glass.
One very fine specimen of micaceous iron (Hematite) from J. A. Armstrong, Esq., of Minneapolis.
I hope to be able to make large additions during the ensuing year.