[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 14, no. 8, p. 1, col. 1-2
Porcelain Insulators and Supplies.
The widely known Empire China Works, of 144 to 156 Green street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y., have for a long time been in the front rank of porcelain manufacturers and have been particularly successful in supplying the needs of the electrical trade in this direction. Their porcelain is extensively used by a large number of the electrical people, and the quality of their goods is not excelled by any manufacturer. The almost innumerable uses to which this excellent non-conductor can be put has created a demand that has crowded the Greenpoint factory of the Empire Works, and a great many new designs have been gotten up by them. We illustrate in this issue of the REVIEW a new insulator called the umbrella insulator. The name is a very appropriate one, for as indicated by the lines in the drawing, a good sized groove extends clear round the inner rim of the insulator, and is of particular advantage in preventing the water during a rain from coming in contact with the wire which passes round the usual groove, compelling the water to drip down outside of the wire. Wherever this insulator has been tried by electric light companies it has given the best of satisfaction, and is now being extensively used in New York city. The ware manufactured by the Empire China Works is undoubtedly of the best and purest quality, and it is because of this fact that the great non-conductive quality of the company's porcelain is secured. Some three dozen or more special designs particularly fitted for electrical work, such as a large variety of insulators, cleats, bushings, ceiling blocks, battery rings, etc., etc., are kept in stock and manufactured by this company, which has, with prompt enterprise, realized the great opening for this class of work the progress in electrical industry has brought about.
New Style of Porcelain Insulator. |