Publication: The Fairmount News
Fairmount, IN, United States
p. 1
A Big Enterprise.
A Few Facts Concerning a Splendid
Glass Factory.
It is always a pleasant task for the newspaper man to chronicle the operations of a successful local enterprise and the NEWS, in referring to the Fairmount Glass Works, takes pride in complimenting Messrs. Winslow and Rau whose efforts have been a striking success in regard to the establishment of a concern which reflects credit both upon our city and themselves. Natural gas has been found a very superior fuel in the manufacture of glass, and among the hundreds of factories that are operating throughout the gas region none have better facilities or are meeting with greater success than the one above mentioned. Winslow & Rau's factory is located in the east part of town alongside the C. W. & M. Ry. track which affords convenient transportation facilities. It has been in successful operation three years, and at the present time about a car load of glass fruit jars are being made every day and shipped to all parts of the country. The factory has a capacity for turning out 200 dozen per day. At present seventy-three hands are employed and the monthly pay roll reaches $4,000. $100,000 worth of goods are made and shipped from the factory annually, and it will readily be seen what a great financial benefit such a concern is to Fairmount. Winslow & Rau manufacture the "Mason" and "Standard" or "Groove Ring" fruit jars, oil cans, bottles and all green glass ware. They make a specialty of fruit jars and, besides being prompt in shipping all orders, they aim to put upon the market a first class quality of goods. John Rau, the manager, is a practical glass man, and under his personal supervision is everything conducted. The buildings of these works have a combined length of 332 feet. The factory is equipped with the continuous tank which, besides being superior to the old pot furnace, enables the blowers to turn out more work per day and make larger wages. The factory runs day and night. The furnace room measures 80x100 feet; mixing room, 36x40; lehr room, 14x100; blacksmith shop, 16x50; packing room, 50x100; and ware room, 36x124. The factory has twelve tempering ovens and one lehr which equals three ovens. An eight-foot well, twenty-two feet deep supplies water and through the factory runs a two-inch hose, always ready to throw water be being attached to the engine. The pump has five plugs where hose may be connected in case of fire. The active business management of the work devolves upon W. C. Winslow, one of the leading capitalists of Fairmount. he is a capable financier and the success of the factory is largely due to his energy.