Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, no. 56, p. 4, col. 2-3
Some one, who signs his name "Harry Ream," is writing communications to the South Pittsburger and takes occasion to repeat the stale story about natural gas being almost played out in this county. He also makes various statements about high rents, "busted boom," etc. in the same line and with about the same amount of truth. The South Pittsburger is or should be an influential paper among the glass workers and manufacturers and it was supposed that the Muncie correspondent of the paper was connected with some one of the glass houses in this city, but upon inquiry we find that Harry Ream is not on the pay roll of any of the houses here, and the owners and the men inquired of do not know him. It must be that he is sailing under an assumed name and does not wish to disclose his identity.
In the Commoner and Glass Worker, Glass Budget and South Pittsburger are communications and interviews from regular and special correspondents in Muncie men who work in the glass factories and have every opportunity to know the facts and they state unhesitatingly that the reports sent out from here that natural gas is failing are positively untrue. We do not ask the readers of any one of these papers to take the word of the Times for truth of the statement. Harry Ream (?) seems to be very much afraid that the Times will cause laboring people to come here and he will be thrown out of employment. Now, if he is not a myth he must be a "scab" workman with very little skill and afraid that some man with skill will come to Muncie and he will be thrown out of his job. This is about the only reason that can be assigned why the aforesaid "Ream" should endeavor to injure the city and its prospects.
The workman in the steel, iron, glass and other factories here as a rule, are happy and contented with their surroundings and have become, many of them at least, thoroughly identified with every interest of the city. They have purchased property, bought lots and built residences and in every way become citizens and good citizens.
Now, this mythical twenty quires would if he could injure the property of his fellow-workmen and at the same time talk about being a laboring man's friend. There is no string tied to Mr. Beam; if he is not a myth, and if gas is failing here, numbered among the things of the past, one would naturally suppose he would seek another location.
Mr. Harry Ream, son of our well known citizen, J. W. Ream, has been seen by a Times man and says that so far as he knows he is the only Harry Ream in Muncie or Delaware county that he has written no letters to the South Pittsburger or to any other paper or person concerning gas in Muncie that he has authorized no one to write over his signature and knows that all statements about the failure of natural gas here are false.
Desiring to know of there was any person named Harry Ream in the employ of any glass houses in this city, the Times communicated with all the factories with the following result:
Maring, Hart Co. "No such person on our pay roll and do not know him."
Hemingrays "Know no such man connected with the glass business. He is not on our pay roll."
Nelson Glass Works "Not on our pay roll are not acquainted with him."
Muncie Glass Works "Know of no such person not on our pay roll."
Ball Bros. "no such person on our pay roll. Don't know him."
Fort Glass Works "No such man in our employ. Dont know him."
C. H. Over & Co. "Dont know him not on our pay roll."
Inquiry was also made at the following manufactories with the result given below:
Architectural Iron Works "No such person on our pay roll or in our employ."
Midland Steel Works "No such man in our employ."
Indiana Iron Co. "No such man employed by us."
Muncie Nail Works "No body by that name employed by us."
White River Iron and Steel Co. "Not on our pay roll and do not know him."
As a laboring man it is very evident that Harry Ream is not only a myth but a fraud.
The Times has devoted more time and space to the irresponsible correspondent or correspondents of eastern paper than may seem necessary to our readers, but the papers are imposed on and their ridiculously false statements receive wide circulation through the prints that would be only too glad to chronicle the failure of natural gas in the largest field known to the world. That the correspondents should masquerade as the friends of workingmen when their falsehoods are damaging to the interests of every workingman in the city is an exhibition of cheek that would shame the proverbial army mule. If their slanders cannot be stopped the Times is determined that their irresponsibility shall be know whenever their falsehoods circulate.