Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, no. 60, p. 4, col. 2-3
Order of the Elks Organized In This City
Last evening – Thirty-nine Muncie
Gentlemen Constitute the Lodge.
They are Elks, genuine Elks, with long pronged antlers. They are proud of their rank and Muncie is to be congratulated that the city contains a lodge of Elks.
A short time ago Mr. C. L. Brooks removed from Cincinnati to Muncie. He was an Elk and was much surprised to find a city like Muncie without a lodge of Elks. He was determined to have one here and presently secured the names of several persons who were willing to help in the organization. In company with Eli Hoover, Marc Topp, Geo. Davis and Tell Seitz. Mr. Brooks worked until he had secured thirty-nine signatures to the application for a charter, and Muncie Lodge, No. 245, was instituted last night. Anderson Lodge No 209 was present and assisted in the work.
At 9 o’clock the work was finished and a rest was taken until twelve o’clock when Muncie Lodge, No. 245, B. P. O. E. and their guests repaired to the National hotel to be banqueted.
The scene in the dining room was dazzling. There were long tables decorated with the finest of china, glass and silverware. The vine-draped chandeliers and banks of sweetest natural flowers formed a beautiful scene. Ninety-two Elks were seated around the room all of them in full dress and the splendid Apollo orchestra enlivened the occasion with dulcet melody. The banquet was prepared under the supervision of manager Fortner of the National. It was complete in every detail. Each guest was presented with an elegant card on which appeared the menu. The elks enjoyed their magnificent spread to the full, and passed many compliments on the cuisine. As is customary at the banquets of the Elks wit and wisdom found vent in unlimited quantities. Hon. Cal McCullough was selected as master of ceremonies and after a short speech returning thanks introduced the Hon. Allen O. Myers, who rising was the signal for loud applause. Mr. Myers said: "Gentlemen and Brother Elks, I wish to congratulate the Muncie lodge in securing for its members a set of the finest gentlemen, so I think, in the city. The old Elks present will bear me out in the statement. (Applause.) To-night is the first opportunity I have had of meeting the Anderson lodge since they were organized one year ago. I wish to congratulate them on their progress. Indiana is surely coming to the front with a large number of Elks, and many of them are due to the excellent work of my friend C. L. Brooks." (Applause.)
Mr. McCullough was called and responded. "Muncie has good material in the lodge and will lead them all."
James Fanning, of Indianapolis, spoke a few good words for the Muncie lodge. "The Muncie lodge contains excellent officers and gentlemen but a lodge is never a success unless the members co-operate with the officers." Mr. Fanning paid Mr. Myers a very high compliment, stating that the Elks lodge was not for fun-making, but a benevolent institution organized to help every member.
A.D. Fansler, city editor of the Logansport Pharos, made a few remarks that were well received. Captain Frank Ellis was next called on. He said he felt highly honored to belong to such an organization. He also offered a resolution of thanks to the visiting Elks.
Judge Carlton Shipley spoke in his usual happy manner and proposed a toast to our Anderson friends who at one time were our rivals. The Judge was heartily applauded. At 3:30 o’clock this morning the banqueters arose from the tables, having had three hours of solid enjoyment.
The following is a list of the officers and members of the Muncie Lodge:
Eli Hoover, Exalted Ruler; J. J. Keller, Esteemed Lead Knight; J. T. Walterhouse, Esteemed Loyal Knight; John T. Banta, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; T. K. Heinsohn, Secretary, W. M. Marsh, Treasurer; Jos Sawyer, Tyler; Will Youse, Esquire; Harry Marsh, Inner Guard; Frank Ellis, Chaplain; J. R. Sprankle, Vernon Davis, C. H. Anthony, Trustees; Harry Wysor, W. F. Maggs, E. D. Bishop, C. F. W. Neely, C. E. Shipley, Henry Keller, Rus Smith, Hal Shutsack, S. P. Baldus, J. H. Blackman, A. E. Kelley, Charley Woodruff, J. K. Ritter, Carl A. Spilker, G. W. Cromer, Quince Walling, H. C. Klein, Dr. Harry Winans, A. J. Williams, Geo. R. Edgley, R. C. Hemingray, Chas. Winters, C. Hechenhouer, C. T. Bartlett, Ernest Moffett, Bert Bradbury, C. C. Fox, John Hall.