Cheshire to get glass plant the manufactures insulators


Publication: The North Adams Evening Transcript

North Adams, MA, United States
vol. 6, no. 69, p. 5, col. 3



Cheshire, which has been under the ban of enterprise for some time is likley to get a boom in the glass-making business, if the plans now talked of are carried out. The Cheshire glass manufacturing company, a small concern which lost somewhat heavily recently by the breaking of its plant, and losing some tons of glass in course of preparation, proposes now to capitalize about $25,000. This will enable the company to enlarge its plant, and it prophesied that in a year the industry will employ some 100 skilled hands. The citizens of Cheshire and Berkshire are asked to take some of this stock, and subscriptions are now coming in. It is not so rosy and inviting as some of the Cape Nome mining stock in Alaska, where Berkshire has some $35,000 invested, but it is thought that there will be little or no difficulty in raising the sum here in this county. The Cheshire factory has the advantage of having the sand at its own doors, and it is just the right quality for such work as the company proposes to turn out, such as bottles, demijohns, carboys, insulators and the like. Gas is to be used instead of crude oil, and the promoters are sanguine. Cheshire people will take stock and thus secure an industry which will help the village, and also the whole of the section. Glass-making in Berkshire county is one of its oldest industries, and Cheshire silex is known in those circles all the country over. — Springfield Republican.

Keywords:Samuel Oakman : Cheshire Glass Manufacturing Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:February 4, 2008 by: Bob Stahr;