Publication: The Muncie Weekly Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 12, p. 1, col. 5-7
In every line of business Muncie leaders are enjoying a big holiday trade. Naturally there are some lines which are profiting more than others, but even in the staple lines the stores are crowded, there being a noticeable and decidedly sensible tendency toward the buying of substantial and serviceable gifts, rather than the tawdry affairs which are thrown aside in a few days after the holidays are forgotten.
The toy stores, where presents for the children may be had, are crowded all the time, the extra hours at night, when the shops are open this week to accommodate the shoppers, being all too short to prevent little less than a jam in many places. The streets last night were filled with holiday shoppers and promise to remain so the rent of the week, with the closing grand rush on Saturday afternoon and evening.
In provisions the demand for the things which will go to make up the Christmas menu is daily becoming stronger. Practically every delicacy of the season is in the market in abundance, the southland having been drawn upon liberally for the store of fruits and vegetables.
The Day in the Factories.
The employes of the Warner Gear company had asked for a week's vacation for the holidays, but they were informed that the plant would be idle only on Christmas and New Year's day. The plant is operating steadily and the week's vacation will not be given owing to a rush of orders.
The Muncie Wheel company's employes will be given a holiday on Christmas day and perhaps the remainder of the week. The annual invoice was recently made, and the company officials have stated that is is not positively kwown yet whether the plant will be closed during the entire holiday week.
The two big plants of Ball Brothers will be closed during Christmas day and it is expected that this will be about the extent of the holiday for the hundreds of workingmen employed here, since this is the busiest season of the year.
The Hemingray and Muncie Glass companies will close for the one day — Christmas — with perhaps one or two days during the first of the year.
The Ontario Silverware company has announced that the plant will close on Friday night until the first of the year. The company has been wrestling with orders night and day for the past six weeks, and the busy season will practically be over in the workrooms by Christmas. The force of workmen at present is the largest in the history of the industry.
The Kitselman Wire Fence company will close the two plants for Christmas, and it is not definitely decided as yet regarding the close for the first day of the year.
The County's Charges.
Inmates of the charitable and correctional institutions of Delaware county, always dependent upon the authorities and the public for such of Christmas cheer as reaches them, will have their full share of good things next Monday. At the jail, orphans' home and infirmary preparations are being made for big dinners, to which the inmates are looking forward with happy anticipations.
Some weeks ago Sheriff Swain promised the inmates of the jail a 'possum dinner, and at the rate the institution has been filling up the past few days it will be necessary for him to scour every woods in eastern to secure enough of the toothsome meat to supply the demand. Besides 'possum, however, there will be turkey with all its accompaniments, and jail inmates will have no cause to complain of the dinner.
There will be a big dinner at the orphans' home for the children, and if the usual remembrances are given the unfortunates by the public there will be a rare treat in store on Sunday night, when it is arranged to observe the annual visit of St. Nicholas. Preparations are being made for a merry Christmas for the children by Mrs. Jump, matron at the home, and it is expected that there will be the regular Christmas treat, besides the turkey dinner.
There will be the usual observances of Christmas at the county poor farm next Monday, a turkey dinner with all the dishes which usually accompany it being served. No special celebration will be made, except the dinner, although it is expected that a number of presents will be given the inmates.
At Normal College.
The kindergarten at the Normal college will close Friday afternoon and a Christmas tree, upon which the children of the school will hang presents for the little folks at the orphans' home will be one of the features of the day. The kindergarten is enjoying a steady growth, and with the completion of the new wagon, accommodations for about ten more students will be provided after the Christmas holidays. Miss Faith Brooks, the instructor in charge of the department, will leave Friday evening for her home in Columbus, O., to spend the holidays.
Other departments at the college are doing good work. The first winter term will close on Jan. 19. and with new students coming in almost daily, it is expected that the enrollment, now 240, will reach 260 by the end of the term.
President Ingler in in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, this week, where he Is conducting an institute and delivering a number or addresses. Miss Mabel Reigle, in charge of the elocution department, will leave Friday for Chicago, where she will spend the holidays.
Sunday School Entertainment.
The High Street M. E. Sunday school will give a Christmas entertainment in the church Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock. A donation for the needy will be given by the Sunday school. The Christmas fire drill and the presence of Santa Claus and Father Christmas will be the main feature of the entertainment. The program has been in preparation for some time and promises to be very interesting The public is invited.