The glass ballot box lie


Publication: The Newark Daily Advocate

Newark, OH, United States
vol. 23, no. 89, p. 1, col. 1

Forakers Fight

Is Already a Hopeless One.

The Candidate for the Third Term

Knows Full Well His

Desperate Straits.

His Lightning Express


While the Campbell Is a Sure Winner.

The Bright, Prospect of a Democratic Triumph.


COLUMBUS, O, Oct. 17. — The developments of the last week have not been calculated to cool Ohio politics to any perceptible extent. If there was warmth before there is fever now. The hot boxes of the J. B. Foraker express train are beginning to make trouble, and it looks as if the gravel train might beat it out before November. Mr. Halstead his best to wreck the express, whether purposely or not. If he has not wrecked it he has succeeded in side tracking it until Campbell's train has shot by and is now only a speck in the distance.

The Republicans have by far the worst of it to day, and Foraker is making one of the most desperate acts ever waged in Ohio. He Doubtless has the machine well oiled, but there are a few unreliable cogs in it that may be fatal to his success. One of these cogs, by the way, was Halstead and he has already slipped. The corrupt practices of the Cincinnati stranglers are well known, and they have caused much disaffection already among the decent Republicans. It is believed that Foraker has not much ground with the veterans because of he exposure of his army record which was supposed to be so brilliant. It has been shown that he was no better than thousands of other, did not smell enough gunpowder to familiarize him with its odor

It seems a little strange that Foraker has not rushed into that debute with Campbell, for which he professed to be so anxious a short time ago. As soon as Campbell picked up the gauntlet and showed fight Foraker subsided, and nothing has been heard from him since on the subject.

Something must be done at once to retrieve the disaster of the Cincinnati forgery, and the Republican executive committee knows it. It has been established that the bogus letter was the result of a deep laid scheme of Foraker's friends, and that in due time its authorship will be known. It is a stated that the villainous scheme is but the natural product of Forakerism, and may be taken as an example of what is going on under the surface all the time.

Mr. Campbell gains fresh friends every day of his canvas, and the outlook for Democratic triumph was never brighter. To be sure Ohio is a Republican state, but it is equally true that the year following a Presidential election is very apt to be an off year. The fact is indisputable that there are many disappointed Republicans throughout the state who are doing a first class job of sulking. Add to these the considerable number of independent Republicans whose knives have a razor edge on thirsting for Foralfer's blood, and the slim Republican majority is cut down dangerously close.

Of the prominent Republicans in Ohio mighty few are pulling for Foraker. A great hurrah was made over Sherman coming to his aid, bill what did that amount to? The Senator came out from Washington and made one speech, in which he spoke as highly of Campbell as he did of Foraker. He had another chance the following night to give Foraker a boost at Findlay. Did he do it? Hardly. He responded in a serenade to a few pretty phrases, told his hearers how great and prosperous the country was, thanked his friends for their kindness and went to bed. He is now out of Ohio. The voices of Butterworth, Fosler, Kennedy, Grosvenor, Mark Hanna and others have scarcely been heard. Foraker, Private Secretary Kurtz, Railroad Commissioner Cappeiler, Strangler Cox and others of the ilk are running the campaign, where to nobody knows.


Keywords:Hemingray : Glass Ballot Box
Researcher notes:Numerous shards of these Wood & Hall glass ballot boxes were unearthed at the factory site of Hemingray Glass Co. in Muncie, IN by Bob Stahr, Roger Lucas, & Darin Cochran. It was apparent from defects with the shards that Hemingray made the glass for them.
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:March 26, 2008 by: Bob Stahr;