[Trade Journal]
Publication: Crockery & Glass Journal
New York, NY, United States
vol. 68, no. 2, p. 13-14, col. 2-1
Trenton is to have a new ware pottery in the near future, it is said, and the Standard China Works, which in the past has been devoted to the making of electrical specialties and porcelain fittings, is being equipped with all new machinery. According to reports here, the head of the new concern is to be J. C. Sharkey, now treasurer of the Artistic Porcelain Works, at Cedar Lane and Chambers street. Those who are in the enterprise are reticent concerning their plans, which they say may not be put into operation for some months; but from the nature of the molds in course of preparation it may be gathered that the plant is to be devoted to the manufacture of china specialties for hotel and domestic use. It is said that one of the promoters of the enterprise was formerly connected with a Western pottery, and that he has produced a china body of much merit.