Mary Cross - Robert Hemingray

Continued to Fast


Publication: The Daily Commonwealth

Covington, KY, United States
vol. VII, no. 28, p. 1, col. 7

Last Fast of Mary Cross — Attempted Suicide.


Mary Cross, who has made herself famous by trying to kill Mr. Hemingray, and then while confined trying to kill herself by fasting, is at it again and declared to a COMMONWEALTH reporter this morning that she had taken her last meal and wanted to end her misery in death. Since last Wednesday, ten days ago, she has not eaten anything but a small piece of apple. She declares her intention of ending her existence at the first opportunity, and on yesterday would have accomplished it had not Turnkey Herbert discovered a pair of scissors in her possession which she got from some outside party.

The woman is prostrated and very weak, and cannot hold out many days longer.


Keywords:Hemingray : Mary Cross
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:December 31, 2006 by: Glenn Drummond;