John C. Barclay

Insulator Patent No. 867,901

[Trade Journal]

Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 26, no. 1, p. 3, col. 3

Latest List of Glass Patents.


The following recently granted patents of interest to the glass industry, are reported expressly for the Commoner and Glassworker by J. M. Nesbit, Patent Attorney, Park building, Pittsburgh, Pa., from whom printed copies may be procured for 15 cents each:


Illuminating tile, James French, Chicago, Ill.; 867,650.


Closure for jars, bottles, and like receptacles, M. D. Converse, Newark, N. J., assignor to Howland Metallic Co., New York; 867,705.


Lamp shade, William J. Boesen, Orange, N. J.; 867,871.


Insulator, John C. Barclay, New York; 867,901.


Bottle seals, (3), Leonard Bartlett, New York, assignor to American Cork & Seal Co.; 867,902, 867,903, and 867,904.


Manufacture of glass having surface projections, Frank L. O. Wadsworth, Morgantown, W. Va., assignor to Pressed Prism Plate Glass Co., New York; 867,931.


Jar cap, The American Dairy Supply Co., Augusta, Me.; reissue; 12,701.


Non-refillable bottles, Frank E. Clark (2), 867,703 and 867,793.



Keywords:John Barclay
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: Patent: 867,901
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:October 9, 2005 by: Glenn Drummond;