Millions of Insulators, Industry Here Reaches Out for Oriental Trade


Publication: The Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles, CA, United States
p. II-11, col. 1



New Industry Here Reaches Out

for Oriental Trade in Competition

With Eastern Manufacturers.


On a single firm's order for 15,000,000 insulators, probably one of the largest contracts of its kind ever made in the West, the California Glass Insulator Company has ordered $40,000 worth of new machinery, thereby giving the city new industrial ranking.

While the Pacific States Electric Company awarded the big contract to the Los Angeles insulator manufacturers, the deal involving $1,500,000, the manufacturers say this is but a step in bringing Los Angeles to the fore in the insulator business and that this city is ready to compete with the East for oriental business.

The payroll of the company, now totaling $10,000 a month, will be appreciably enlarged within a year, if the expectations of President Arthur Munn are fulfilled, as he sees for Los Angeles a future in which the entire field of manufactured glass products will be encompassed.

"We can work twelve months a year here," said Munn yesterday, "and that gives us a lead over our eastern competitors. I have ordered the doors of our plant open to the public for a few weeks, that Angelenos may see the modern machinery and the new methods of making glass. The big order for insulators given us by the Pacific States people will run over five years, 3,000,000 insulators a year."

Keywords:California Glass Insulator Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:January 2, 2006 by: Bob Stahr;