[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
p. 67
Utilized in an Emergency to Provide Insulation for
a Temporary Feeder Which Had to Be Run
Through a Brick Wall
When high-voltage leads have to be run through a building wall in an emergency which precludes securing regular wall or roof bushings, standard transformer bushings can be used with good results. The accompanying illustration Shows bushings taken from two 2200-volt, 10-kw. transformers and used to insulate a temporary feeder running through an 18-in. (45.6-cm.) brick wall. Steel plates in. (6.4 mm.) thick were bolted to the wall and drilled to hold the bushings in position. In order to make a neat installation and protect the stem of the bushing, an 18-in. (45.6-cm.) standard tile was slipped over the bushings.
Transformer Bushings Held Against Wall by Means of Steel Plate |