[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 19, no. 41, p. 4, col. 3-5
Growing Industry.
Summitville, Ind., Wave.
J.A. Creighton's small glasshouse appears to be moving along under a stimulating and prosperous era. His little plant was completed only a short time ago, when he had but a small furnace and two small pots. With this he has finished filling an order for 50,000 electric insulators and a big lot of salt shakes. He has given employment part of the time to seven or eight other hands besides himself. He now has several good orders offering which demand his enlarging the plant. He has just received the tank material from the Dixon-Woods Co., of Pittsburg, for a two-ton four-ring tank. He has begun the work of putting in the tank. He will also increase the capacity of the tempering ovens. He has one order which, if accepted, will require him to put in four presses and require his employment of several hands. His experience so far in starting out for himself, Mr. Creighton says, has been highly satisfactory and has encouraged him to broaden out in business considerably.