Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 17, no. 144, p. 1, col. 3
The Darnall Mill Sold Yesterday and
Will Be in Operation in Ten Days.
Bought by John D. Briggs, of
Cleveland, for $22,600 — Will
Probably Make Chains — The
Strike at Ball Bros. About
Yesterday the sheriff sold the big Darnall nail mill to John D. Briggs, of Cleveland, O., for $22,600. The plant is considered valuable and did not go begging for want of bidders. The first bid of $20,000 was made by T. F. Rose, president of the Muncie Natural Gas Company. This bid was followed by one of $21,000 by E. Pollock, of Cincinnati. Mr. Briggs then put the bid up to $22,600 and got the plant.
What is to be done with it is not entirely a mystery, neither is it very plain. The most plausible rumor is that it will be used for the manufacture of chains, Mr. Briggs is one of the owners of a large plant in Findlay, O., which manufactures chains. As natural gas is no longer to be had there at such prices as it can be had in Muncie, it is stated that the plant will be moved from there and the purchase of the Darnell property seems to indicate that Muncie will be the objective point
Mr. Briggs would neither confirm nor deny this report and that lends credence to the rumors. He said that in ten days work would be going on in the mill and that in the near future his plans would be made public and then the people of Muncie would know what was to be done.
The strike of the boys in Ball Bros.' glass works doesn't seem to be developing very fast. The boys who went out Monday from the flint works returned to work yesterday. The others are still out and will probably remain out as the firm will not give them their places again.
The Indianapolis News devoted nearly a column to the industries of Muncie, yesterday. In a general "write up" of the gas belt no other city received as much notice as Muncie. Anderson was described in a half column, while Wabash received about the same notice as Elwood. Muncie is ahead and is going to stay at the top of the list.