[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 34, p. 232, col. 1-2
High-Insulation Line Material.
Mr. Fred M. Locke, of Victor, N. Y., is one of the best known manufacturers in the country of high-insulation line material for high-voltage transmission service. He manufactures a complete line of porcelain and glass insulators, break arms, side brackets, ridge irons and steel pins.
The body and glaze of the Locke china insulators are of simple earths only, fused into a vitreous, homogeneous mass at the highest temperature. As no metallic oxide is used in the process, the glaze is not a conductor. The insulators so made do not craze or crackle on the surface or leak when subjected to variations of temperature. They will stand severe tensile strains and heavy blows, and will not, it is claimed, crack or chip from the effects of high-potential currents.
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Fig. 1. — Two-Part Cable Insulator |
Several examples of the Locke china insulators are shown in the illustrations herewith. Fig. 1 represents a two-part cable insulator for heavy line wires and cables. The two shells, made from the highest grade china, are fused together with glaze. Used with the Locke steel pin, with porcelain base, these insulators afford excellent line construction. This insulator will stand a test of 30,000 volts, is three and one half inches in diameter and weighs about one and one-half pounds.
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Fig. 2. — Three-Part China Insulator. |
Fig. 2 shows a three-part insulators, fused with glaze, designed to carry from 20,000 to 35,000 volts, and which, it is said, will stand a salt water test of 80,000 volts. It is compact in form, standard in quality and of large capacity. The insulator is seven inches in diameter, four and one-half inches high and weighs three and three-fourth pounds. A similar insulator is shown in Fig. 3. This one is designed to carry 20,000 volts, is five and one-fourth inches in diameter and three and one-fourth inches high and weighs two and three-fourth pounds.
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Fig. 3. — Three-Shell China Insulator. |
Mr. Locke has just issued a new catalogue illustrating and describing his extensive line of insulation material. The catalogue will be sent free on request.