[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Pottery & Glassware Reporter
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 2, no. 25, p. 11, col. 1-2
Circular to the Trade.
The Western Flint and Lime Glass Protective Association, at a meeting in February, adopted the following circular to the trade, the points of which were given in the REPORTER at the time of its adoption. The rules presented may at first glance seem somewhat arbitrary, but their adoption was rendered necessary by some abuses which had crept into the trade. Even if arbitrary, square dealers have nothing to fear from them, as they apply in the main to that class who have heretofore not scrupled to misrepresent facts and take over unfair advantages whenever occasion offered. Appended to it is a list of prices to be charged for packages, which will also interest the trade:
In view of the fact that additions have been made to the number of factories since the agreement was made in regard to time of credit, charge for packages, & c., it is thought advisable to re-affirm such agreement, and make such additional rules and regulations as time and experience have demonstrated to be necessary; therefore,
We, the undersigned glass manufacturers, have agreed, from and after this date, to confrom to the following rules and regulations in the conducting of our business, viz.:
FIRST. That all packages shall be a specific charge on each invoice, and the prices charged shall be not less than the list accompanying this circular.
SECOND. The terms of credit shall not exceed ninety days from date of shipment.
THIRD. The discount for cash shall not exceed three per cent., and then only on the condition that payment is made within 30 days.
FOURTH. Goods shall only be delivered at the nearest port or railroad station to the place of manufacture, and in no case shall freight be paid or allowed by the shipper.
FIFTH. The delivery of goods on board steamboat or cars, with a receipt or bill of lading therefor, shall be a release of all claims by the purchaser on the shipper for breakage, delay, or loss.
SIXTH. All sales shall be made payable with exchange on New York, or the place from which the goods are shipped.
SEVENTH. No claim shall be allowed for alleged inferiority of ware in goods shipped as first quality, until the shipper or his agent shall have had an opportunity of investigating the claim, and then only on condition that the claim has been made within 30 days.
EIGHTH. Any dealer deducting a claim, until allowed by the shipper, from his remittance, or refusing to pay a draft for such reason, in violation of any rule hereby enacted, and refusing, after proper notice, to comply therewith, shall be reported to the Association for such action as may be deemed proper.
Adams & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Atterbury & Co., " "
Bakewell, Pears & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beatty, A. J. & Sons, Steubenville, O.
Belmont Glass Co., Bellaire, O.
Bryce, Walker & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Buckeye Glass Co., Martin's Ferry, O.
Bellaire Goblet Co., Bellaire, O.
Campbell, Jones & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Central Glass Co., Wheeling, West Va.
Challinor, Hogan & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Crystal Glass Co., " "
Dithridge & Co., " "
Dithridge Chimney Co., Limited, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Doyle & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Duncan, George & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Enterprise Glass Co., Ravenna, O.
Evans & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.;
Excelsior Flint Glass Co., Pittsburg,h Pa.;
Hemingray Glass Co., Cincinnati, O.
Hobbs, J. H., Brockunier & Co., Wheeling, West Va.
King, Son & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
La Belle Glass Co., Bridgeport, O.
Muzzy & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
McKee & Brother, " "
O'Hara Glass Co., Limited, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Richards & Hartley Flint Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ripley & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Riverside Glass Works, Wellsburg, West Va.
Rochester Tumbler Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
6 doz. Gill Tumbler Box..........................................$0 30
12 " " " .................................................................. 35
6 " 1/3 pint " " ........................................................ 30
12 " " " " ................................................................ 40
6 " ½ pint " " .......................................................... 35
12 " " " " ................................................................ 45
6 " 1/3 quart" " ....................................................... 40
6 " pint " " .............................................................. 45
3 " Goblet Box ....................................................... 30
4 " " " " .................................................................. 35
6 " Small Goblet Box .............................................. 40
6 " Large " " .......................................................... 50
6 " Champs. & Cocktail Box .................................. 35
6 " Claret Box ....................................................... 30
12 " " " " ................................................................ 40
6 " Wine ............................................................... 30
12 " " ................................................................... 35
6 " Cordial " .......................................................... 25
12 " " ".................................................................. 30
6 " Large Mug Box ............................................... 45
6 " Med " " ........................................................... 35
6 " Pony " " .......................................................... 30
½ " Large Set " .................................................... 40
½ " Small " " ......................................................... 35
12 " 4 in. Nappy " ................................................. 30
12 " 4½ " " " ......................................................... 35
6 " 4 " " " .............................................................. 25
6 " 4½ " " " ........................................................... 30
13 " 4 " Comport Box............................................. 40
6 " 4 " " " .............................................................. 30
6 4½ " " " ............................................................. 35
12 4½ " " " ............................................................ 45
6 " 7 " Oval ........................................................... 35
6 " 8 " Oval ........................................................... 40
4 " 9 " Oval ........................................................... 40
2 " Quart Jar " ....................................................... 45
1 " ½ Gal. " " ......................................................... 40
1 " ¾ " " " .............................................................. 45
1 " 1 " " " ............................................................... 50
1 " Quart Ring Jar " ............................................... 40
1 " ½ Gal. " " " ...................................................... 45
1 " ¾ " " " " ........................................................... 50
1 " 1 " " " " ............................................................ 55
Barrels .................................................................. 35
Ham Tierces .......................................................... 75
Small Soda Casks .................................................. 1 00
Large " " ............................................................... 1 25
Sugar Hhds ........................................................... 1 50
No. 0 Tierces, 22x34 ............................................. 75
" 1 " 24x34 ............................................................ 90
" 2 " 26x34 ............................................................ 1 10
Casks, 27x36 to 30x34 ........................................... 1 25
" 29x38 to 30x40..................................................... 1 50
" 31x42 .................................................................. 1 75
" 35x48 ................................................................. 2 00
" 43x46 .................................................................. 3 00
"53x60 ................................................................... 5 00