Brian pottery pays fire department $100 for their services


Publication: The Trenton Times

Trenton, NJ, United States
vol. 22, p. 2, col. 4




The Brian Pottery Company has paid to the Trenton Fire Department $100 for services rendered at the fire which recently destroyed the corporation's plant in Hamilton township. The company takes exception to a morning paper a report that it had ignored a bill from the Fire Commissioners. The facts in the case are that payment of the bill was never refused. The bill was sent soon after the fire and at that time the affairs of the company were in chaotic condition due to the lack of officers and the like. A member of the firm took the bill home and the matter was temporarily overlooked.

A representative of the company today declared that the bill was very willingly paid and that the good work of the firemen was much appreciated.

Keywords:Brian Pottery Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:April 30, 2007 by: Elton Gish;