Publication: The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, WV, United States
p. 1, col. 5
Boosts Wages
For 'Overtime'
50 Percent Above Regular
Rates Will Be Paid Men
For Hours iu Excess
Of 40 A Week
Double Wages Ordered
For Work on Holidays
Company Adhering to NRA
Code, Seeks to Correct
Employes of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company who are paid by the hour had their overtime wages increased yesterday 50 percent above the regular rates.
The "overtime" means all hours in excess of the 40 hours per week that were prescribed in the old NRA code.
Double the regular rates will be paid for all hours worked on "certain designated holidays."
C. G. Bensinger, local plant manager, said the "certain holidays" means, mainly national holidays.
Effective Yesterday
The new rates became effective yesterday.
Seventeen units of the company benefit under the plan. There are 15 glass container factories in various locations throughout the country, the Glassblock and Insulator factory at Muncie. Ind.; and the fiberglas plant at Newark, Ohio.
The plan also includes the company's subsidiaries — the Libbey Glass company and the Owens-Illinois Closure company, both of Toledo, Ohio.
Adheres to Code
The company's announcement said:
"The company has been adhering and will continue to adhere to the code standards set up under NRA in the matters of hours and minimum rates of pay, but in balancing the hours to an average of 40 per week over six months as provided by the code, some inequalities have developed. We feel that the new policy will altogether correct these situations and will work for the best interests of our people."
Bensinger explained the hours will be computed weekly and the employes will be paid for their extra time in their regular semi-monthly pays.
Bensinger said there is no way of telling how much the local payroll will be increased under the plan because it will depend entirely on emergencies and rush orders.