Publication: The Evening Standard
Uniontown, PA, United States
vol. 65, no. 37, p. 1, col. 6-7
Hotel Greeters To Meet
In White Swan Tonight
Western Pennsylvania Charter To Convene;
First Parley Of Group Here Since 1934
Western Pennsylvania Charter 37 of the Hotel Greeters of America will meet this afternoon and tonight at the White Swan hotel.
A cocktail party is scheduled for 6:30 and a banquet for 7:30.
Mutual problems and plans for improvement in the hotel field will be discussed at business sessions.
The organization is composed of hotel managers, clerks and other personnel who "meet the public."
This is the first time since 1934 that the group has met here.
Robert Hemingray, sales manager of the Sheraton hotel in Pittsburgh, is president of the men's section, and Irene Matty, associated with the Pittsburgh Hotels Association office, heads the ladies' section.
DuWayne Shaw, manager of the White Swan, is host for the gathering.