Publication: The Daily Commonwealth
Covington, KY, United States
vol. 3, no. 157, p. 1, col. 3-4
Mr. Claude Matthews.
In connection with the faux pas in the return of the Electoral vote of the Eight Indiana District the name of Mr. Claude Matthews, who was Marshal of the district, has been brought into priominent notice. Mr. Matthews failed to make the returns from the district in proper time, and such returns as the Canvassing Board had elected a Democratic elector. In this connection Mr. M. was charged with neglecting his duty, & c., thus placing him in an unenviable light before the public.
In explanation an intimate friend of Mr. Claude Matthews requests THE COMMONWEALTH to reproduce the following from the Cincinnati Gazette's Indianapolis correspondence of last Saturday:
"Claude Matthews, the Eighth District Marshal, who has been fammous for a few days, arrived in the city to-day, very much to the surprise of every one, bringing with him the returns, which the board canvassed and inserted in their place in accordance with the resolution passed last Monday. Matthews says that when he received his commission he was ill, and when he went to his county town he was informed by the officials that the returns were to be made on the fourth Monday in November, which he comcluded was the last Monday in the month, as it usually is. He had, therefore, put aside this week for collecting the returns of the different counties of his district, and purposed to come to Indianapolis next Monday to bring them in compliance with the law, as he thought. Mr. Matthews is very much chagrined over the matter, as he had no othr intention then to do his duty in the fullest measure. If the mistake shall lead to an amendment of the law, it will not have been made in vain.
In reference to the delay THE COMMONWEALTH'S correspondent adds:
While this is mortifying, there certainly was no intention of wrong, and I think it can be safely said that no man living who knows Mr. Claude Matthews will for a moment attribute any dishonorable motive for the delay in his report; and, except for his severe illness at the time, his duty would have been faithfully performed, for he is a very conscientious gentlemen.
Mr. Claude Matthews is a son of Major Thos. A. Matthews of this city.