[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Technology Review
Cambridge, MA, United States
vol. 4, no. 1, p. 96-98
"It may interest some of our readers to learn something of the recent visit of President Pritchett to Cincinnati. We had been looking forward to meeting our new President for some months past, as it was expected that he would be with us last spring; but he was detained on account of illness.
"A very pleasant evening was spent at the Queen City Club, Friday, December 20, by the alumni and former students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology residing in Cincinnati and vicinity. An informal dinner was given to Dr. H. S. Pritchett, the new President of the Institute, who came to Cincinnati as the guest of the Commercial Club. Very few of the Tech men had ever met the new President; and there was a fairly good attendance, although a large number were unavoidably absent.
"There has been no organization of Technology men in Cincinnati and vicinity, and only one previous meeting in the recollection of the writer, and that on the occasion of a similar visit of President Walker, some eight or ten years since.
"Those of us who had worked under General Walker, and had known him more or less intimately, felt his loss keenly, and had been in doubt of the ability of the Corporation to fill his place. It was extremely gratifying, therefore, to have this opportunity of meeting President Pritchett, and we all went home with the feeling that the students at the Institute were to be congratulated on having a man in charge of affairs who not only possessed the dignity and executive ability necessary to the position as President of such an institution as the Institute, but who is also a personal friend, warmly interested in the welfare of every student.
"Mr. George W. Kittredge presided, and was very happy in his introduction of the President and of the representatives of the various classes. President Pritchett gave a very interesting account of the work that has been accomplished and projected since he has become head of the Institute; and, as we listened to his story of the wonderful progress that has been made in the last few years, and other plans about to become realities, we almost wished we were again students at dear old Tech, and were certainly prouder than ever to look back upon her as our Alma Mater.
"Major Bixby, as the senior student present, gave a very interesting account of his early experiences and his subsequent training as an engineer in the various institutions in this country and abroad. He was followed by Mr. J. S. Neave, Charles G. Merrell, A. O. Elzner, and William B. Poland. It was decided to form a permanent organization , and Messrs. Neave, Stanwood, Elzner, Kittredge, Proctor, and Merrell were appointed a Committee on Organization.
"There were present at this dinner to meet Dr. Pritchett, W. H. Bixby, '70, William E. Brotherton, '73, John A. Hildabolt, '75, George W. Kittredge, '77, Daniel C. Hemingray, '79, J. S. Neave, '86, J. C. Hobart, '87, A. O. Elzner, '87, Charles G. Merrell, '88, William B. Poland, '90, W. E. Hopton, '91, J. W. Ellms, '93, R. W. Proctor, '94, W. M. Andrews, '96, Stanley A. Hooker, '97, Walter L. Rapp, '00, J. L. Parke, '01, J. T. Lippincott, '01, J. B. Laws, '01, Benjamin Miller, '01, W. F. Helmick, '03.
"The visit of the President to Cincinnati has revived interest in Technology affairs; and one result of the informal dinner on Friday night was the formation of a Technology Club for Cincinnati and vicinity, which was regularly organized on Friday, the 27th, one week after the dinner. There will probably be two meetings a year, — a midsummer outing and a midwinter dinner, — at which we shall hope to have the President as our guest.
"The following officers were elected : —
"J. S. Neave, president, James B. Stanwood, vice-president, George W. Kittredge, treasurer; Charles G. Merrell, secretary; Executive Committee: A. O. Elzner, R. W. Proctor, W. E. Hopton."