[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Technology Review
Cambridge, MA, United States
vol. 6, no. 2, p. 252
The annual banquet of the Club was held at the Queen City Club, Thursday, February 25. Twenty-one members and Dean Burton were present. Great interest was taken in Professor Burton's talk, and Mr. Stanwood, the new president, gave an address on more efficient methods in teaching modern languages and mathematics and upon the desirability of instructors being men who had had actual engineering practice. The project of the North-western Association for a trip to Boston in June this year, the one hundredth anniversary of President Rogers's birth, was enthusiastically received, and Cincinnati will send on a good delegation.
It was decided to have the lunches every Tuesday in place of only once a month.
The following officers for the year were chosen: president, James B. Stanwood; vice-president, Charles G. Merrell, secretary, A. H. Pugh, Jr.
Those present were W. C. Brotherton, E. C. Carpenter, C. B. Clark, Thomas Evans, Joseph W. Ellms, W. F. Helwick, D. G. [sic] C. Hemingray, S. A. Hooker, G. W. Kittredge, C. P. Mulherin, A. S. More, J. S. Neave, A. H. Pugh, R. W. Proctor, G. W. Stearns, James B. Stanwood, R. S. Shohl, Rudolph Tietig; also Messrs. Hildabolt and W. B. Poland from out of town.
ACHILLES PUGH, JR., '97, Secretary
1912 Madison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.