[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Technology Review
Cambridge, MA, United States
vol. 10, no. 2, p. 201-202, col. 1
EDWIN C. MILLER, Sec., Wakefield, Mass.
The annual meeting of the class for the year 1907-08 was held at the Hotel Brunswick, Boston, on Feb. 29, 1908. On account of the absence of Professor R. W. Lodge, president of the class, the meeting and dinner was presided over by Frank G. Stantial. The secretary sent out notices and ballots to fifty-seven names which appear in the class catalogue and also notices to eighteen names, in addition, of persons who were identified with our class while at the Institute, which names had been obtained from the Alumni Association. Of this number only two responded, - Charles A. Washburn, who was present at the dinner, and Professor S. H. Woodbridge. There were also present F. G. Stantial Professor William H. Pickering, A. M. Waitt, Professor George H. Barton, J. M. Cabot, and E. C. Miller. Letters were read from Professor R. W. Lodge, who was in California; Harry H. Campbell, Atlantic City; R. M. Hosea, chief engineer Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, Denver; William S. Stearns, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Henry A. Boyd, of Buffalo; F. B. Knapp, of Duxbury; H. J. Howe, engineer with the Rapid Transit Commission, New York; George F. Riggs, of West Virginia; Louis P. Howe, of Marlboro; Fred H. Lane, of New York; W. W. Macfarland, of Chester, Pa.; and Walter S. Allen, of Boston. The secretary also received regrets from Gooding, Coffin, and Hazeltine, of Boston; Dunbar, of Altoona, Pa.; Large, of New York; Hemingray, of Covington, Ky.; Harlow, Alden and Rea, of Pittsburg; and Eyre, of Philadelphia. There were twenty-seven ballots cast, and the following officers were elected: Fred. H. Lane, of New York, president; Frank G. Stantial, Boston, vice-president; Edwin C. Miller, of Boston, secretary; Allan M. Jenks, of New York, and Louis P. Howe, of Marlboro, business committee. It was voted to get out the next class catalogue at the time of the Second "Big" Tech Reunion in Boston, which will take place in June, 1909, and then to get one out every five years. After an interesting discussion in regard to the moon and Mars led by Professor Pickering, and of the earth and the Aleutian Islands, led by Professor George H. Barton, and other subjects too numerous to mention, the meeting adjourned at 11.15 P.M.