[Trade Journal]
Publication: National Electric Light Association Thirty-Fifth Convention; Papers, Reports and Discussions
New York, NY, United States
vol. 1, p. 438,445-446, col. 1
The Committee submits herewith brief biographical notices of men who have died during the year and who have been either actively connected with the work of the Association or active in the central station industry. The names included are those of Mr. William Richard Brixey, Prof. Henry Taylor Bovey, Mr. C. C. Cokefair, Mr. Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Mr. Daniel D. Dickey, Mr. Samuel Morris Dodd, Mr. Jacob H. Evans, Mr. Lee D. Fisher, Mr. William Penn Hazeltine, Mr. N. Wetmore Halsey, Mr. Edwin Hawley, Mr. Caryl Davis Haskins, Mr. George W. Hebard, Mr. Daniel C. Hemingray, Mr. James McCormack, Mr. George B. Moffatt, Mr. B. G. McNabb, Mr. John F. McGlensey, Mr. Robert Mather, Mr. Edgar Wood Mix, Mr. Otis E. Putnam, Mr. Hinsdill Parsons, Mr. Frank Ridlon, Mr. Alden M. Young and Mr. Charles I. Young.
It will be seen that the list is unusually large and that the Association and the industry have alike sustained a severe loss in being deprived of such valuable services. This report is an inadequate tribute to their memory.
T. C. Martin, Chairman.
MR. DANIEL C. HEMINGRAY, secretary and treasurer of the Hemingray Glass Co., of Covington, Ky., and Muncie, Ind., died at the Queen City Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, on December 14, 1911, from apoplexy. He was fifty-four years old and was born in Covington, Ky. He attended the Woodward High School in Cincinnati, where he was a classmate of President Taft, and later entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before graduation he returned to Covington and engaged in business with his father and brother, Mr. Ralph Hemingray, now president of the Hemingray Glass Co., one of the first concerns to take up the production of glassware for the electrical industries. Mr. Hemingray was a member of the principal Cincinnati clubs and a non-resident member of many clubs throughout the country, much of his time being passed in traveling in connection with his business. He was a director of the Cincinnati Trust Co. and of the Suspension Bridge Co. and one of the first stockholders of the Latonia Racing Association. At one time he was a member of the Covington Water Works Department. Mr. Hemingray was extremely popular in Cincinnati and had large circles of friends in different sections of the United States. His jovial disposition and his goodfellowship were particularly appreciated in his club life. As remarked by a friend in the central station field where he was widely known and most popular, "There were no dull moments in his company, and many are the Queen City Club members who, oppressed by the cares of business, found momentary rest from their worries in the optimistic, jovial and happy temperament of 'Dan' Hemingray."