[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Monthly Magazine
Washington, DC, United States
vol. 5, no. 5, p. 493-494, col. 1
THURSDAY, October 4, 1894.
Pursuant to call, the National Board of Management met at 902 F Street at 4 p. m.
Present (twenty-one): Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Brackett, Mrs. Mann, Miss Desha, Mrs. Gannett, Dr. McGee, Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Goodfellow, Mrs. Burnett, Miss Dorsey, Miss Mallett, Miss Washington, Mrs. Dickins, Mrs. Heth, and Miss Miller. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Foot, and Mrs. Stanley, members of the Advisory Board, were also present.
The meeting was called to order by the President-General.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain-General.
The Recording Secretary read the minutes of June 19, 1894, which were accepted as corrected. The Recording Secretary read the minutes of August 18, 1894, which were accepted as corrected.
The President-General requested that all motions presented be put in writing.
In the absence of the Vice-President-General in Charge of Organization of Chapters, Miss Desha presented the following report:
Mrs. Foster, State Regent, appoints Mrs. Minnie G. Browne as Chapter Regent in Fort Wayne, Mrs. Josephine T. Thomas as Chapter Regent in Crawfordsville, Mrs. Harriet McCoy as Chapter Regent in Rensselaer, and Mrs. R. C. Hemmingray [sic] Hemingray as Chapter Regent in Muncie.