[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Monthly Magazine
Washington, DC, United States
vol. 14, no. 5, p. 66,1061-1070, col. 1
Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: The State of Indiana has the pleasure to report for the past year a steady growth and prosperity in the ranks of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
I have been privileged to sign charters for the Huntington Chapter and the New Albany Chapter during the year, the requisite number of charter members having been secured in 1897.
We now have nine organized Chapters and at several points there is promise of later developments. The State organization now numbers about four hundred and seventy-five members.
We started entirely on lines of social organization, but during the past stirring year, we have developed a large amount of patriotism and promising capacity for patriotic work.
I had, as early as last August, the pleasure to report to the War Committee an expenditure of about seven hundred dollars, as well as a vastly greater amount of labor. This was from six of our nine organized Chapters, and two Regents of unorganized Chapters. In addition Mrs. Hawkins, of Brazil, sent an immune nurse to the front. Much other patriotic work has been done in connection with other organizations, particularly the Grand Army of the Republic and the Colonial Dames, despite the fact that a large proportion of our members were away from their several Chapters during the entire summer.
At least four of our nine organized Chapters have regular club programs, and all are studying revolutionary history. The graves of revolutionary soldiers are receiving much attention; and through our Chapters much has been quietly done to enthuse the children of our schools with love of our country and our flag.
We have just sent to the National Society well-attested papers of another Real Daughter, Mrs. Adelaide Hassey, of Cicero, Indiana.
Our Honorary State Regent, Mrs. C. C. Foster, of Indianapolis, is at the head of a committee which is now preparing a State Lineage Book. This will be of great practical use to our present and prospective members, and of great historic value to the State. In Indiana as in other western States are _ gathered revolutionary families from all the original States — descendants of King’s Mountain heroes, the Brandywine fighters, and Lexington volunteers settled side by side or have been swept on together by the western course of empire. I have recently found that in Lawrenceburg Mrs. Caroline Major Hayes, appointed Regent by the National Society, lives now on the first tract of land purchased from the United States Government in Indiana. Her great-great-grandfather, Captain Joseph Hayes, of Pennsylvania, was ruined by the Revolution and started anew with his grown sons-in-law in Dearborn County. Mrs. Hayes and her husband both trace their lineage to Captain Hayes, a fact which was not known until Mrs. Hayes and her daughter, Mrs. Bauer, joined the Daughters of the American Revolution.
As State Regent I have written many letters, and when the war closed had with much thought and labor gotten a relief work well in the home and autumn work of the various Chapters, and was secure in their cooperation. This had been my work for the summer, but happily made useless by the close of the war.
Looking over the field of action which is before the Daughters of the American Revolution, several phases of the work strongly appeal to me personally. Among these are: The construction of Memorial Hall, the founding of National University in connection with the Government’s treasures of archaeology, history and literature, and a wise sanitary and humane cooperation with the officers of the Army and Navy. I am sorry that my work for the Society has this past year been greatly limited by imperative and unexpected work in my home.
Submitting the reports of Chapters, Mrs. George Sloan, Secretary, reports for the Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter:
This Chapter now numbers one hundred and thirty-five members, and since the report last year has held four regular and five called meetings. The Executive Board has held eighteen regular or formal meetings, and during the summer, almost daily informal meetings, to meet the necessities of our soldiers in camp and at the front. In April, 1898, there was held by the Chapter an exhibit including one week of the Scribner collection of revolutionary pictures which yielded a good sum of money. The summer was a busy time for this organization, many of the ladies meeting at the home of the Recording Secretary to cut and distribute work for the relief and comfort of our soldiers. The Chapter assisted the Colonial Dames by donating money to their hospital fund, and by actively assisting in making hospital shirts. The Chapter made and sent to Indiana soldiers in camp over six hundred flannel stomachers, and by request sent to the other towns in the State patterns and samples of those stomachers, made and sent supplies of nurses' aprons to the hospitals, made 166 hospital shirts, 40 suits of pajamas, sent quantities of literature, caned fruits and jellies, and in May presented to the regiment leaving this city for service, a regimental flag of the regulation design, and through the Chapter many articles of comfort were contributed to our soldiers during the entire campaign. At a recent meeting of this Chapter, it was voted to give $25.00 to the Memorial Hall fund and $10.00 to the Franco-American Memorial fund.
Mrs. Thomas, Regent of the Dorothy Q. Chapter at Crawfordsville, reports eighteen members against fourteen at the commencement of the year, and two other probable members. They have sent two dozen nurses' aprons to Atlanta, and have held five meetings. Their program for the year is fascinating in its literary and patriotic subjects. The officers are: Regent, Mrs. Josephine Tuttle Thomas; Vice-Regent, Martha Lowes Williamson; Secretary, Sophie Crane Ristine; Treasurer, Rose Campbell Anderson; Registrar, Belle Sprague; Historian, Lillian Blair.
The Regent of General de Lafayette Chapter reports for season of 1897 to 1898:
The General de Lafayette Chapter, of Lafayette, Indiana, held the first meeting of its fifth year on September 6, 1898, that date being the birthday anniversary of him for whom the Chapter was named. The officers are; Regent, Mrs. James Fowler; Vice-Regent, Mrs. Thomas Andrew; Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. H. Aukeny; Corresponding Secretary, Miss H. Bertha Foresman; Registrar, Mrs. W. H. Moore; Treasurer, Miss Lou Bogg; Historian, Miss Kate Andrew.
At the present writing, January, 1898, we have a membership of eighty-two. Since this time in 1898 eight have resigned, two been transferred and two have died. Two new members have been added with others in consideration. The program this year consists of a study of those men and their families who have helped to make American history — Washington, Adams, General de Lafayette, etc. At our first open meeting December 6th, Prof. T. F. Moran, of Purdue University, gave us a most delightful and comprehensive paper on "The Significance of the American Revolution." The Chapter followed its usual custom of keeping "open house" on New Year’s Day, and received many friends at the home of the Regent, Mrs. James M. Fowler, most of the Daughters being attired in Colonial costume.
Those appointed this year to attend the Eighth Continental Congress at Washington are: Regent, Mrs. James M. Fowler; Alternate, Mrs. Albert Stahl; Delegate, Miss C. Bertha Foresman; Alternate. Mrs. Mary E. Parker.
In August last the Daughters made and sent a box of bands and other articles to the soldiers in Florida. Although our Chapter shows a loss in regard to members, I think the interest has increased. We have not lost working members.
The Paul Revere Chapter, of Muncie, has bad a prosperous and brilliant year. Their printed program of meetings shows both patriotism and intellectual ability. In July the Chapter held a successful lawn fete which netted $300.00, This was converted into hospital supplies by the labor of the Chapter members and their friends. The earnest and capable Regent is Mrs, W. H. Marsh; Vice-Regent, Mrs. Robert Hemingray; Secretary, Mrs. Thaddeus A. Neely; Treasurer; Mrs. Julia Heinsohn; Registrar, Miss Nanie C. Love.
The Chapter Regent of Huntington Chapter, Mrs. Anna S. Hawley, reports:
The Huntington Chapter now numbers twenty-four members. Two Daughters have been transferred to other Chapters during the year. Our officers are the same as last year, with the exception of our Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. S. Wells, who now holds the same position at Peducah [sic] Paducah, Kentucky, Our officers are: Regent, Mrs. W. W Hawley; Vice-Regent, Mrs. E. L. Griffith; Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. C. Windle; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Rose Forman; Treasurer, Mrs. J. T. Alexander; Registrar, Mrs. E. T. Taylor; Historian, Mrs. N. Sessions.
We hold meetings every month from October till May, inclusive, at winch we have roll-call answered by patriotic quotations, business and a literary program, followed by refreshments.
During the past year we have had two open meetings. In April the anniversary of the battle of Lexington was observed at the home of the Regent. Over one hundred were present. The decorations, program and refreshments were all greatly praised.
In November the first Thanksgiving was commemorated at the pleasant home of the Historian, fifty Daughters and guests being present. The Daughters were all in Puritan costume. The decorations, program, toasts and Thanksgiving supper combined to make it one of the finest entertainments ever given in the city.
Our Chapter has sent $5.00 to the Hospital Corps, besides large quantities of supplies and $98.31 sent by Mrs. Adeline Meachan, one of our members at LaGrange. We have sent $2.20 to the Meadow Garden fund and $5.00 to the Lafayette Monument Fund.
Our Chapter is very enthusiastic and expects to celebrate Washington’s birthday in fitting manner. All the officers and Program Committee are very faithful and prompt in the performance of duty. We expect to be represented at the coming Congress, Washington, by Mrs. J. S. Brown, of LaGrange.
The Regent of the New Albany Chapter, Mrs. Mary E. Cardwill, reports:
In January, 1898, a few ladies of revolutionary ancestors met by invitation at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Cardwill to discuss the feasibility of forming a Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Miss Cardwill had been appointed prospective Regent of a prospective Chapter in New Albany by State Regent Mrs. C. C. Foster, sometime before, but had been unable at long range even to discover what material she had to work upon. One other lady, however, in the city, had before this meeting become a member of the National Organization upon Miss Cardwill’s solicitation. The meeting in January proved to be one almost of enthusiasm and another meeting was appointed to be held at the same place in February. At this second meeting Mrs. Sarah H. Henton, a member of the John Marshall Chapter, Louisville, was present and gave an interesting talk. A few application blanks which the Regent had on hand were distributed, and another meeting appointed for March. At the March meeting a preliminary organization was formed, the prospective Regent appointing the officers, who were to be also the officers in the Chapter, which it was determined to form as soon as the requisite number of national members could be obtained.
Before the April meeting, nine sets of application blanks had been forwarded to Washington, seven of these were accepted by the National Board in April. Four mote applications were sent before the May meeting. At that meeting, held with the Misses Hedden, the acceptance of seven of the applications by the National Board was announced. Three more sets of papers had been approved by the National Registrar, so that there was a centainty [sic] certainty of the requisite number for the organization of the Chapter in June. It was decided that such action should be taken, and at the time chosen to be in commemoration of the battle of Bunker Hill. The meeting was held at the home of the prospective Secretary. Mrs. Helen Mar Fawcett, but the organization was unanimously postponed until October, because several ladies who especially wished to be charter members, had not been able to have their papers approved. This June meeting was the last one held in the preliminary organization and was a delightful literary, musical and social event.
At all the preliminary meetings historical papers or relations were read, patriotic songs sung and there were other exercises held, such as those we expected to hold in our Chapter meetings.
During the summer four more applications for membership in the National Society were made and in September six of the seven applicants having been approved by the Registrar, were accepted by the National Board.
October 15, 1898, the New Albany. Indiana, Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was formed with eighteen members. The meetings were held at the home of Miss Annabella Smith, a few miles in the country, on ground which was a part of the original grant to George Rogers Clarke and his soldiers. No name was given to the Chapter, though it is hoped that one will soon be found.
December 30th a special meeting was held in the evening and called the charter meeting. At that time the charter was presented to the Chapter by the Regent. The members dressed in colonial costumes. A limited number of guests were invited, and in addition to the fine literary and musical program, a supper was served, making the evening a notable social event.
The meetings of the Chapter are held usually the third Saturday afternoon in each month. The meetings are opened with the Lord's Prayer said in concert, after which "America" is sung. A business meeting is followed by literary exercises and music, and sometimes at the close light refreshments are served.
The Chapter has no work outside of the Chapter to report. The failure to organize in time made work as a Chapter for the War Relief Committee impossible, but this was realty unnecessary since the work was accomplished through other organizations or by individual effort.
Before this report is read a committee will be appointed in the Chapter to look up graves of revolutionary soldiers in the vicinity, and other work of a like broader scope inaugurated. The Chapter hopes to be an active and useful one.
Since its organization two members have been added and a third is awaiting certain acceptance at Washington. The officers and members are: Regent, Mary E. Cardwill; Vice-Regent, Mrs. Frances Rice Maginness; Secretary, Mrs. Helen Mar Fawcett: Registrar, Miss Fannie M. Hedden; Historian, Mrs. Martha T. H. Gwin; Treasurer, Miss Anna E. Cardwill; Mrs. Annie Evans, Miss Estelle Kinder Sowle, Miss Emma D. Dewhurst, Miss Mary Annabella Smith, Miss Susan Eleanor Hooper, Miss Theodosia C. Hedden, Mrs. Anna White Greene, Mrs. Margaret Mitchel Johnson, Miss Carrie B. Webster, Miss Alice L. Greene, Miss Anna M. Fitch Bragdon, Miss Clara Kimball Bragdon, charter members. Chairman Program Committee, Miss Theodosia C. Hedden.
Miss Clara Funk and Mrs. Harriet U. Steele have been added to the roll since the organization.
Mrs. Lavinia H. Fowler, Regent of the Spencer Chapter, reports:
The Spencer Chapter has no great deeds to relate or wonderful events to describe, but there is a little leaven at work and I am happy to report a healthy growing condition. Two new members have been added since our last report, now having fifteen members. We call ourselves a history class. We meet once a month and study Indiana history. We observe Flag Day and the Fourth of July; at these meetings the children are invited and are given part in the program.
Our annual meeting is February 25th, George Rogers Clarke Day. At this meeting guests are invited, especially our husbands and sons. We are still looking after the revolutionary graves. I made a journey last fall to visit our real son, who is very old and is confined to his bed with a broken hip, will never sit up again. While his mind is weak from age, yet he told me the story very clearly of the battle of "The Cowpens" just as his father pictured it to him. A number of our ladies take "The Spirit of '76" and receive much help from it. We also take the "Indianion," which guides its in our history class.
But it with pleasure I refer to the war work. We are proud that Spencer Chapter has a representative on the field, Miss Mary Craig, Fort McPherson, Georgia. She writes us thrilling letters of her work. We contributed two boxes of things necessary in hospital work and some luxuries to McPherson and Chickamauga. Both were officially acknowledged.
Mrs. Harriet McCoy, Regent of the Renssaeler Chapter, reports thirty-one members, interesting meetings and much work planned for the coming year.
The Vanderburgh Chapter, of Evansville, reports through the Secretary, Mrs. Jennie S. Sonntag:
The Vanderburgh Chapter, of Evansville, is in a strong and growing condition. The membership to date is twenty. Regent, Mrs. Lucy B. Walker; Vice-Regent, Mrs. Francis H. Roach; Secretary, Mrs. Jennie S. Sonntag; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Van H. Ingle; Historian, Mrs. Helen Ames; Registrar. Dr. Francis Cantrall.
The study of the battles fought during the years 1778-1779 has been pursued with much interest. Our Regent, who was appointed a delegate to the National Congress, will be unable to attend. Her alternate, Mrs. Francis M. Roach, expects to take her place.
Mrs. Hawkins, Regent Brazil, did efficient work in securing and placing an immune nurse.
Mrs. Brown, the Regent at Fort Wayne, is inclined to give up her work.
Mrs. Latta, of Goshen, appointed Regent, is in California in poor health She gave $25 toward the war fund, but has not been able to enlist others.
Mrs. Bogeman, of Poseyville, reports herself unable to secure a Chapter thus far, though there are more than enough eligble ladies.
Mrs. Machan, of LaGrange, and Mrs. Brown, of that place, have joined the Huntington Chapter "temporarily." Mrs. Machan has raised $117.99 for various purposes of the war work The Huntington Chapter stands credited with $98.31 of this. Mrs. Machan is an invalid, and her energy and good will are beyond praise.
Mrs. Hayes, of Lawrenceburg, is still trying to secure a Chapter and strongly hopes to be able to do so in the coming year.
Mrs. Stormont, of Princeton, has been much fettered by affliction in her family.
I am disappointed that there is yet no Chapter formed either in Bloomington or Ellettsville.
Mrs. Major has not yet secured her twelve in Shelbyville.
Mrs. Fraser is quite willing to give up the work in Warsaw. There are very many clubs and societies m Warsaw.
There is hope of a strong Chapter in Richmond.
Respectfully submitted,
State Regent.