[Trade Journal]
Publication: National Glass Budget
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 37, no. 10, p. 18, col. 2-3
McNeilage Visits Pittsburg.
Wm. McNeilage, of the Australian Glass. Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, accompanied by his wife, are now touring through the United States. While in Pittsburg last week he said that business was not quite so good in his country as it had been, but was better than that existing in the United States. Up until the time he started on his trip no reduction in wages in the glass industry had been put into effect, but he is of the opinion that they will have to follow suit and do the same as elsewhere in the world if they are to get their share of the business.
The company he represents has five factories all of which up to the present have been devoted to the production of bottles, now however, they have a couple plants that may be turned to the manufacture of tableware, etc. He reports rapid development in the introduction of mechanical methods since 1914 in Australia.