Publication: The Daily Inter Ocean
Chicago, IL, United States
The Gathering of the Clans at the
National Tariff Convention
Arrival of Prominent Merchants and
Manufacturers from All Parts of the
Delegates Full of Vigor for the Work
Before Them, but Disinclined
To Talk.
The Industrial League Tariff Convention, which begins its session this morning at Fairbank Hall, Central Music Hall Building, promises to be an affair of the greatest importance to the business men of the whole country. Some of the best authorities on politco-economical subjects in the United States are to be present, and nearly every prominent, if not every prominent, manufacturing interest in the country will be represented. The discussion will be on vital questions, and the convention cannot fail to do a great eal of good for both producer and consumer.
The club-room of the Grand Pacific Hotel, devoted to the use of the Executive Committee of the Tariff Convention and the local arrangements, was a busy place yesterday. Hundreds of incoming delegates reported and were registered.
The following have reported to the league headquarters personally or by letter:
American Dairy Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y.
Aurora Silver Plate Manufacturing, Aurora, Ill., G. W. Quereau.
Brick and Tile Works, Waynesville, Ill., E. Davenport.
F. W. Nickerson, 114 State street, Boston, Mass.
Bessemer Steel Company, of Philadelpia, Pa., John M. Kennedy.
Jagger & Simpson, Burlington, Iowa.
Columbian Iron Works, of Baltimore, Md., Malster & Reaney.
Union Iron Company, Buffalo, N. Y., T. Gulford Smith.
Burlington Linseed Oil Works, Burlington, Iowa, Marcus Simpson.
Bath Board of Trade, A. J. Fuller, H. W. Rogers, Guy C. Goss, Bath, Me.
W. E Frost Manufacturing Company, Chicago, Ill., W. E. Frost.
Cherokee Iron and Railroad Company, Cederton, Ga.
D. R. Campbell, Sangerville, Md.
Central Mills Company, South Bridge, Mass., C. A. Dresser.
Calumet Iron Company, Chicago.
Marine News and Record, Cleveland, Ohio, Houghton & Lewis.
North Chicago Rolling Mill, T. P. Jones.
Columbus Rolling Mill Company, W. A. Harrison.
Hemingway [sic] Hemingray Glass Company, Covington, Ky.
Cable Flax Mills, Troy., N. Y., E. A. Hartshorn, Geo. F. Allen.
H. H. Adams, Cleveland, Ohio.
Chicago Spring Company, J. F. Plumstead.
American Iron Works, Jones & Laughlin, John M. Larrimer.
Chicago Steam Engine Works, John C. Beattie.
F. C. Wells', Steam Pump Company.
John Roach & Son, John Roach, Chester, Pa.
Lumber, Jesse Spaulding.
Linseed Oil, Des Moines, Iowa, J. F. Heemer.
Leland Iron Company, Detroit, Mich., V. R. Morse.
National Tile Company, Des Moines, Iowa.
Glendower Iron Works, Danville, Pa., A. Greneling.
Glendale Elastic Fabric Company, Easthampton, Mass., Joseph W. Green.
Erie City Iron Works, Erie, Pa., George D. Sheldon.
Franz Krim Manufacturing, St. Louis, Mo.
Gere, Gleason & Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
High Point Manufacturing Company, High Point, N. C.
Hoosier Drill Company, Richmond, Ind., Henry Shuman.
Iowa City Glass Company, Iowa City, Milton Remley.
Cambria Iron Company, Johnstown, Pa., Cyrus Elden.
Globe Iron Company, Jackson, Ohio.
Kankakee Linseed Oil Works, Kankakee, Ill., T. G. McCulloch.
Kalamazoo Paper Company, Kalamazoo, Mich., S. A. Gibson.
Eagle Paper Mills, Kankauna, Wis., H. A. Frambach.
Lafayette Car Works, Lafayette, Ind., B. F. Masten.
East Liverpool, Ohio, Pottery, the Hon. Wm. McKinley, Jr., H. R. Hall, R. W. Taylor, H. G. Knowles, Homer Laughlin.
Eagle Mills, Little Falls, N. Y., Titus Shepard.
Logan Oil Mills, Logansport, Ind., Hardy, Metzger & Co.
Cherry valley Iron Works, Leetonia, Ohio, C. N. Schmick.
Lafayette Car Works, Lafayette, Ind., B. F. Martin.
George S. Barber & Co., East Liverpool, Ohio.
S. L. O'Connor, LaSalle, Ill.
Minnesota Linseed Oil Company, Minneapolis, Minn.
Moorhead & Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Minneapolis Paper Mills, Brown, Warren & Latimer.
Joseph Corns & Sons, Massilion, Ohio.
Champion Iron Company, Marquette, Mich., A. Kidder.
National Board of Steam Navigation, Chicago, General James S. Negley.
Northwestern Linseed Oil Manufacturing Company, A. C. Lausten.
New Albany Woolen Mills, New Albany, Ind., J. F. Gebhart.
O'Brien Bros. Manufacturing Compan, Kewaunee, Ill.
National Iron Mine, Stoneville, Marquette County, Mich., Samuel Mitchell.
Natchez Cotton Mills Company, Natchez, Miss.
Ohio Falls Iron Works, New Albany, Ind., P. R. Stoy.
Noblesville Flax Mills, Ind., Frank A. Hawkins.
National Tube Works Company, New York, J. F. Flagler.
Nautical Gazette, New York.
New Albany Rail Mill Company, Ind., A. Trinier.
D. M. Haight, Oswego, Ill.
Onondaga Coarse Salt Association, Syracuse, New York.
Omaha Iron and Nail Company, Omaha, Neb.
Peru Bagging Company, Ind., M. Rosenthal.
Porter Manufacturing Company, Syracuse, New York.
Hussey, Howe & Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Standard Nut Company, Pittsburg, Pa.
City Linseed Oil Mill, Piqua, Ohio, Wood, Farrington & Co.
A. W. Jerome, Paxton, Ill.
Pittsburg Bessemer Steel Company.
Pottstown Iron Company, Pa., M. H. Morris.
Henry Disston & Sons, Philadelphia.
Spary Steel and Iron Company, Pittsburg, Pa.
McKeesport Iron Works, Pittsburg, Pa., W. D. Wood & Co.
Juniata Iron and Steel Works, Pittsburg, Pa., Shoenberger & Co.
Hooper & Townsend, Philadelphia, Pa.
Woonsocket Rubber Company, Providence, R. I., Joseph Banigan.
Quincy Paper Company, Quincy, Ill., R. V. Newcomb.
Reading Bolt and Nut Works, Reading, Pa., J. H. Sternbergh.
Sweet's Manufacturing Company, Syracuse, N. Y., Wm. A. Sweet.
State Vinicultural Society, San Francisco, Samuel Edwards.
Syracuse Iron Works, Syracuse, N. Y.
Soho Iron Works, Pittsburg, Pa.
Central Mills Company, Southbridge, Mass., C.A. Dresser.
Syracuse Glass Company, Syracuse, N. Y., N. C. Rider.
E. C. Stearns & Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Onondaga Iron Company, Syracuse, N. Y., W. H. H. Gore.
Illinois Watch Company, Springfield, Ill., J. Bunn.
Keystone Manufacturing Company, Sterling, Ill., Thomas A. Galt.
Collier White Lead and Oil Company, St. Louis, Mo., Alex. Easton.
South Bend Iron Works, Indiana, Louis Hubbard.
Desloge Lead Company, St. Louis, Mo.
National Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Mo.
Southern White Lead Company, St. Louis, Mo.
Seymour Woolen Factory, Seymour, Ind., L. Schneck.
Robert B. Brown & Co., St .Louis, Mo.
Jay & Co., St. Mary's, Ohio.
Saginaw Valley, Ena Rugh, Thomas M. Palmer, John S. Eastabrook, George S. Burrows, Thomas Merrill, J. A. Whittier, G. B. Stebbins, N. Barnard, C. W. Wells, J. L. Pierson, Thomas Cranage, Jr., J. L. Dolson, L. L. Hotchkiss, M. B. Bradley.
Horase J. Smith, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Tecumseh Iron Company, Alabama, Willard Warner.
Cable Flax Mills, Troy., N. Y., E. A. Hartshorn, Geo. F. Allen.
Wahl Bros. Glue Works, Chicago
Morris Wood & Sons, Chicago.
Harlan & Hollingsworth Company, Wilmington, Del., E. Taylor Ganse.
Ypsilanti Paper Company, Michigan.
Glencoe Iron Works, Youngstown, Ohio, Ames, Bell & Co.