Publication: The Vermont Watchman
Montpelier, VT, United States
vol. 84, no. 4311, p. 1, col. 2-3
Business and Amusement
ANOTHER excursion leaves for Muncie, Ind., an Saturday, June 1, at three P.M. Parties can join it at Greenfield, Mass., or Eagle Bridge. The organization of the Electric Street Railway Company will take place Monday, June 3, and Elias Lyman, J. G. Reed and Jerome Smith of Burlington, John N. Woodfin of Rutland and Frank H. Bascom, with two or three others from Montpelier, are expected to go there on that date. Mr. George M. Fletcher of Moretown, who is there now and has written a letter (which appears in this issue) in regard to Muncie, purchased with Frank H. Bascom fifty-two choice building lots there, on which they expect to realize a very handsome increase in the near future. The Covington (Ky.) glass works, employing five hundred men, and the new $80,000 manufactory for making fine writing paper, are moving there this week.